Always Wrong Don
... the man who will double, if not triple down on something even when he's been proven wrong. Good morning from my Hunker-Bunker overlooking the Puget Sound in West Seattle.…
... the man who will double, if not triple down on something even when he's been proven wrong. Good morning from my Hunker-Bunker overlooking the Puget Sound in West Seattle.…
Good evening from my office situated between two of the three stadiums in Seattle. It is a Wednesday evening at 2315 hrs and I am on my third night of…
Good morning again, this time from the comforts of my Hunker-Bunker overlooking a saturated Puget Sound It's a bit wet outside, now that we are slipping into our Fall weather…
Good morning from my office nestled between the two stadiums in Seattle. It is a Wednesday morning and I've been here since Tuesday Evening, as I am supervising the repairs…
Darth Vader, who shared a voice with James Earl Jones, has died at the age of 93. Good morning from my Hunker Bunker overlooking the Puget Sound in Seattle. I…
Good morning from my office between the two stadiums in Seattle. It's another Monday in the Realm® and I am about to head back home to my Hunker-Bunker as soon…
Good morning from my office between the two stadiums in Seattle. It is about 0600, and it is quiet around here -- for the moment. I have only a few…
It is a bit after eight o'clock in the morning in West Seattle, and I've been up since around three in the morning, and I am just about ready to…
Good morning from my office perched betwixt two stadiums in Seattle. It is 0514 on a Labor Day morning, and since I am not a union thug, (or any kind…
Good Morning from my office stuffed between two stadiums in Seattle. It is a Sunday morning, on the First of September, meaning that summer will end in a couple of…