Good morning from my office perched between the two stadiums in Seattle. It is 0500 and pretty damn quiet so far. I am sure that will change once people start waking up. It’s a full house here so my breakfast will be a bit late.

In case you hadn’t notice here, but I have not been touting any of the election polling going on out there. There is only one poll that counts, and that won’t happen until November. Until then, I think it would be a huge mistake to start counting on polling. People will only set themselves up for disappointment when their candidate doesn’t make it across the finish line.

The Silly Season™ has been exceptionally more silly this time around. The absurdities abound, and what would have pretty much ended a political career ten years ago is now celebrated by a cult of personality.

Remember the Howard Dean Scream? How about the Michael Dukakis Tank Ad? That pretty much ended a political career:

Now we have Trump and all the lies, misinformation, disinformation, switch n’ bait, name-calling, rapey-pussy-grabbing bullshit with a solid 33% diehard following going up against a novelty candidate who may or may not be better or worse than the status quo.

But hey, let me get on with the headlines that caught my crazy eye this morning:

This isn’t “weird” at all…

Anti-Abortion GOP Candidate Borrows Friend’s Wife and Daughters for Campaign Photo Op

Male GOP candidates who are worried about getting dragged down by the abortion issue in November are putting their wives front and center in their campaign ads. That’s hardly a new phenomenon — candidates have showcased the stereotypical [husband + wife + at least two children + probably a dog or two] family photo for ages — but the Republican angst about Dobbs is so acute, at least one candidate resorted to faking an entire family for his ads.

There was a reason why Republicans ran on the anti-abortion platform, but refused to actually do anything about it:

Because they knew that while it was a solid, reliable fund-raising vehicle for the base, the fact that the majority of voters from both parties were solidly against doing away with abortion. They knew that the only reason the Republican Party survived in it’s post-Civil Rights form, was because abortion was still a live issue for the Party. Once they got Roe overturned, they lost the one common denominator that kept the party going.

The “Game”

Iranian embassy in Beirut warns attack on Hezbollah HQ ‘changes rules of the game’

Iran’s embassy in Lebanon says on X that the Israeli strike on Beirut’s southern suburbs targeting the headquarters of its proxy Hezbollah represents a dangerous game-changing escalation that will “bring its perpetrator an appropriate punishment.”

“This reprehensible crime… represents a dangerous escalation that changes the rules of the game,” the Iranian embassy says.

So this is a game?

I hear there is a storm…

Helene claims at least 40 lives as rescuers race to free those trapped by the storm

‘Uninhabitable for weeks or months’: Why Helene’s hurricane category matters

They say that doing the same thing over and over again is a sign of insanity. I disagree. I believe it’s a sign of stupidity, not insanity. Hurricanes have been a feature of the Southeast corner of this country long before humans showed up on the scene. Almost every year, at least one major storm will sweep away entire swaths of land and anything that stood there. Yet year after year, human IDIOTS will return to rebuild and hope for a different result next time there is a storm heading their way.

I live in an area known for massive earthquakes. In fact, a three-hundred-year event of massive proportions is about fifty years overdue around here at the moment, that we all know will level most of Seattle region. Yet here I am.

The JD Vance Dossier

Yes, there is a JD Vance dossier. Of course there would be. It wouldn’t be a Donald Trump Production without a JD Vance dossier, would it? And it also wouldn’t be a Donald Trump Production if Iran wasn’t hacking into the Trump campaign’s stellar security system and grabbing such a dossier to send to the media.

JD Vance, in 2020 messages, said Trump ‘thoroughly failed to deliver’

Vice-presidential nominee JD Vance has a go-to explanation for his evolution from outspoken critic to impassioned defender of Donald Trump: He says he was converted by Trump’s achievements in the White House.

Vance has said watching the former president enact his populist agenda for left-behind Americans transformed him from a “Never Trump” conservative in 2016 to a Trump supporter in 2020.

But Vance privately expressed a very different verdict on Trump as the former president’s first term was nearing its end, previously unreported messages obtained by The Washington Post show.

Almost every media outlet has refused to publish the JD Vance dossier that Iran managed to hack from the Trump campaign. Almost. Ken Klippenstein, a former journalist with his own private blog has decided that he would publish it for the world to see.

I thought I would help facilitate.

Read the JD Vance Dossier (.pdf)

After reading this thing, I wonder why Trump thought it was a good idea to pick JD Vance as his running mate. It doesn’t make ANY sense.

Another “Number One” is killed…

Hezbollah terror leader Hassan Nasrallah KILLED in massive missile blitz on chief’s Beirut HQ, Israel claims

These guys all look the same…

HEZBOLLAH leader Hassan Nasrallah has been killed following a massive missile barrage in Lebanon, Israel claims.

Deadly Israeli strikes ripped through the 64-year-old terror chief’s underground command post in Beirut on Friday.

I swear, I could use this image of Hassan Nasrallah as a stock image for every Iranian-backed militia leader in the Middle East. They all pretty much look the same.

Another view of Hassan Nasrallah yesterday:

If you squint, you can clearly see him…

Speaking of Iranian leaders…

Iran’s Supreme Leader moved to secure location under heightened security

Iranian Clone?

DUBAI, Sept 28 (Reuters) – Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has been transferred to a secure location inside the country with heightened security measures in place, two regional officials briefed by Tehran told Reuters.

The sources said Iran was in constant contact with Lebanon’s Hezbollah and other regional proxy groups to determine the next step after Israel announced that it had killed Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah in a strike on south Beirut on Friday.

See what I mean about these fucknozzles all looking the same?

There seems to be a supply chain issue when it comes to Terror Leaders these days…

From “The news you could have done without” Department

RFK Jr. and star journalist Olivia Nuzzi had ‘incredible’ FaceTime sex, said they loved each other

Did you really want to know?

Yeah, I didn’t think so.

23 and Me is for Sale?

If 23andMe is for sale, then so is all that DNA…

23andMe is not doing well. Its stock is on the verge of being delisted. It shut down its in-house drug-development unit last month, only the latest in several rounds of layoffs. Last week, the entire board of directors quit, save for Anne Wojcicki, a co-founder and the company’s CEO. Amid this downward spiral, Wojcicki has said she’ll consider selling 23andMe—which means the DNA of 23andMe’s 15 million customers would be up for sale, too.

It is probably a good idea to remove your account from 23andMe, and demand that they destroy whatever DNA records they have on you. (Yes, you can tell them to destroy those records — a recent lawsuit settlement has made that possible)

Frankly, it is a damn stupid idea to submit to one of these DNA tests to begin with.

That fucking Al Gore and his rhythms…

Donald Trump Vows to Prosecute Google for Showing ‘Bad Stories’

The Republican nominee alleged that the search engine is biased against him and threatened to prosecute the tech giant if he wins the White House again.

What better way to show how little you understand algorithms than to file a lawsuit against Google’s search engine for showing unfavorable news stories about you.

Yes, of course there is a ‘bias’ when it comes to search results: it’s based on the number of times an article has been referenced. It’s democratic in it’s calculations.

Seems fairly accurate


Silver Alert:


So I tried to share this column on FaceCrack this morning, and Zuck-the-Fuck has blocked it because I’ve dared to include the JD Vance Dossier link here. If I remove the link to the PDF, then it will post with no problems.

I was able to post it on Elmo’s Xitter because I disguised the link.



I skimmed most of the dossier. There is really nothing in it that isn’t already common knowledge. All personal information is properly redacted, but the findings of the Trump vetting is pretty straight forward, and is all common knowledge available from public sources.

The ONLY thing that stood out to me was the fact that given the amount of ‘anti-Trump’ comments by JD Vance over the course of the past eight years, it is a mystery as to why Trump decided to pick JD Vance as his running mate.

Maybe THIS is what Zuck and Elmo don’t want you to consider?

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By I'm THAT Guy

"Well, ya gotta have someone to yell at"

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