It is a Sunday in the Realm, and I am still here to deliver some kind of content for the 50 people who lurk here. I know you came here, because I see the hits. It might help a bit if you’d at least drop a “fuck you” in the comments every now and then.
Anyways, here are the headlines that caught my eye this morning:
Item 1: Hawaii Luxury Hotel Ditches Trump Branding to Join Hilton
Item 2: At SpaceX, worker injuries soar in Elon Musk’s rush to Mars
Item 3: Feds bust ‘high-end’ brothel network; clients worry online
Item 4: Oregon Decriminalized Hard Drugs. It Isn’t Working.
Item 5: Scientists Say There May Have Been a Second Big Bang
Here is my stupid commentary based solely on the headlines above:
I haven’t actually read the stories attached to these headlines. I may have heard bits and pieces of the stories on the radio or through osmosis, and that’s what makes this fun. I’m sure to screw it up.
In Re 1:
Trump doesn’t actually own most of the hotels that carry his name. He simply licenses his brand and charges a fee for its use. A lot of the major hotel chains do this. We just sold a hotel property last March to a private party who has branded it a Best Western.
I suppose I could be cynical and make an unfounded claim that the Hawaii hotel property shed the name because it was ‘toxic’ — we know that has happened to at least three former Trump Hotels — but I am going to give the benefit of the doubt to it simply being a case of getting a better deal with Hilton.
In Re 2:
I heard a little bit of this story on NPR last night while I was sleeping. Elon Musk dislikes bright colors, so he’s done away with safety vests, and it is causing people to lose limbs.
In Re 3:
Ah, the world’s oldest profession and the powerful get together for a romp in the sheets. Who will be caught up in the sex-for-hire scandal this time?
In Re 4:
Well, DUH.
As a drug addict myself, (once an addict, always an addict regardless of my 25+ years clean and sober), I can tell you that legalizing hard drugs is absolutely the worst thing that could have been done. I understand the reasoning — addiction is a disease and shouldn’t be treated like a criminal act. You wouldn’t toss a person in jail if they had cancer, would you? You wouldn’t punish a person for having heart disease. So why punish a person for being addicted to a substance, illegal or otherwise?
I could see decriminalizing addiction to drugs. I could even see arresting someone for using drugs, if the charge comes off the record if the addict goes through treatment and rehabilitation. The best place on the planet for a residential, in-patient drug treatment program with behavior modification component is in a jail or prison. Eight to ten months in an intensive residential treatment environment in exchange for a sentence reduction has been the best system going so far. It beats out any an all other drug treatment facilities costing a lot of money.
But legalizing drugs and drug usage? Completely wrong.
In Re 5:
, why limit it to only two big bangs? Why couldn’t there have been hundreds, if not thousands of ‘big bangs’ over the eons? Who’s to say this is the only ‘universe’?
The amount of time humans can conceive of is almost negligible in comparison to infinity. Our points of reference in all of this is recent. What was here before the “big bang”?
Okay, that’s it for the news and commentary. I’m kind of phoning it in this morning — I have a shit load of crap to do today, and not enough hours to do it in.
What I just finished streaming:
The Leftovers is an American supernatural drama television series created by Damon Lindelof and Tom Perrotta that aired on HBO from June 29, 2014, to June 4, 2017. Based on Perrotta’s 2011 novel of the same name, the series begins three years after the “Sudden Departure”, a global event that resulted in 2% of the world’s population disappearing. The lives of police chief Kevin Garvey (Justin Theroux) and his family, along with grieving widow Nora Durst (Carrie Coon) and her brother, Reverend Matt Jamison (Christopher Eccleston), are the focal points of the series as they struggle to adjust to life after the Departure.
From the Meme box This Morning:
Now go forth and have a great day, ya mutts.
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Would a “Screw you, Hippie!” suffice? 😉
Thank you. I feel validated.
Florida college student charged after stealing $3.5 million from supply chain company
IRS will hire him unless the FBI HR department beats them to the graduation. Expert criminals are in high demand of late in DC.
While the federal government will hire ex-felons, there are some limitations.
Anyone who gets an offer of employment with the federal government would then be required to fill out a Declaration for Federal Employment form (OF 306) and undergo a background investigation to establish suitability or fitness for employment.
Any job that requires a firearm is not available for felons and a handful of misdemeanors. Any conviction for fraud will usually bar you from most federal jobs, meaning this guy would never be eligible to work for either the IRS or the FBI.
Also, anyone on active supervision would be barred from federal employment until five years AFTER supervision was completed.
$3.5 million bucks will earn this guy a long time in prison. If he is considered the leader/organizer of the scheme, he will serve even longer.
I wouldn’t expect to see this guy available for any government job outside of a Prison Industries job for at least twenty years, if not more.
He’s going to be tied up for a while.
Umm, chief, you are still thinking like a normal, sane, based American citizen. Those characteristics no longer hold sway within the federal government.
Wake me up when crimes by certain protected classes are actually prosecuted with enforced penalties. Until then, it appears that lying on your government forms is of such low import that it is being overlooked.
Those are literally the guidelines on federal employment. While some sectors of the federal government will hire ex-felons, they first have to be off of supervision for a minimum of five years. This includes private companies with federal contracts. If it is a job that requires a security clearance or firearm, those jobs are off the table for all felons and many misdemeanors.
Them’s the facts.
I know that you have it in your mind that virtually every federal employee is a criminal. Are there federal employees who commit crimes? Sure, but no more than in any other labor sector — except for the possibility of elected officials. They seem to be more inclined to commit crimes — and get away with it.
Okay. I will set your alarm for March 4, 2024. I have an entire schedule of trials and court dates for a “protected class” who is being tried for 91 felonies.
Oh wait, you didn’t mean that protected (cl)ass, did you? :em05:
Lol love the sheep one. Keep going onward
Things in Chicago Are So Bad That Venezuelan Illegals Are Fleeing Back to Venezuela
Dang~ Now that there is just plain hilarious! Wonder if Somalis are going back to Somalia too.
I think this was a better headline:
Migrant family journeys back to Venezuela, more leaving Chicago as winter looms: ‘The American Dream doesn’t exist anymore’
Unlike the Gateway Pundit, who lifted the story from the Daily Mail tabloid, the Chicago Tribune story explains WHY.
And the “why” isn’t all that surprising.
Like most major metropolitan areas, Chicago’s resources are already stretched past the breaking point when it comes to housing and other resources — for even the average American citizen. In the colder areas, winters can be deadly for homeless people.
Seven percent of the homeless people in this country (over a half million is the estimate) live in rural areas. Ninety-three percent end up gravitating towards the major cities because that’s where all the programs are at. Rural areas tend to bus their problems to the richer, ‘blue’ areas of the map — cities. This is where both DeSantis and Abbott got their ideas of busing migrants to cities like Chicago — to shift their problems elsewhere.
It might surprise you to know that I mostly agree with the need to slow down if not stop the migration to the US from Central America. We shouldn’t have to be dealing with an influx of millions of migrants heading North ‘for a safer life’.
It would be MUCH cheaper to spend money and resources in Central America to do away with the problems causing people to flee their country. It would be money and energy well-spent, if it stops the flood of humans fleeing danger.
The problem is, the Right also doesn’t like to spend tax money in Central America. “America First” and all that garbage. They are too fucking stupid to understand that we spend gobs of money on foreign aid to prevent problems that would cause hundreds of thousands of migrants to head toward our borders. By spending money on foreign aid, we ARE putting America first.
Most people outside of the beltway and beltway politics realize that our current immigration system is broken, and there is NO president, past, present, or future who can fix it. This is a job for a functional, bipartisan CONGRESS to deal with. If and when we ever see another one of those…?
You have made this site interesting. Also, “F U!” How’s that?
It runs shivers down my spine…
ALL his administrators are in the Biden administration, carrying on his policies. If you think Biden is really calling the shots as president you are more naïve than me.
Also, he comments quite a lot on political affairs and as a former president, his opinions count.
I did put in the attribution for that article; it states clearly that the report is from the U.K.-based Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education.
My tiny little mind understands what your tiny mind doesn’t – it’s NOT their money. They weren’t in charge when the money was made. Plus, they’ve stolen BILLIONS of dollars from the country. But most of all, you DO NOT GIVE MONEY TO YOUR ENEMY. Would we have given Hitler the money Germany had in the U.S.? We are at war with Iran. Don’t you get it? Doesn’t your tiny little mind get it?
Where did I advocate for death and destruction of Muslims? Perhaps it’s projection on your part.
We shall see if she’s fired. Mr. Free Speech, other people have been fired for their personal tweets. It’s always the left that cancels them. But if you’re on the left, who cancels you? If a woman working for Iran in the Department of Defense is still there, what makes you think they’ll fire a woman for “fuck the Jews?” hey haven’t arrested any of the people carrying those banners, taking over the Brooklyn Bridge and Grand Central Station. They didn’t arrest those people who rioted at the White House. Their riot wasn’t called an insurrection, why is it different?
As for the “stringers,” not only did they participate in the murder torture and rape of innocent civilians, but they got PAID for it by the NY Times, Reuters and the AP. Did you know that the AP has forbidden the use of the word “terrorist” when talking about Hamas? If what they did wasn’t terror, I don’t know what is.
You seriously think that when they shout “Death to the Great Satan and the Little Satam” they’re referring to the CIA coup of Mossadegh? Most of them weren’t even born in 1953, in fact most of them were born after 1979, after the ayatollahs seized power. I find it odd that you defend a regime that hangs homosexuals, that kills women for not hiding their hair properly, that tortures and imprisons anyone who doesn’t toe the line. Mr. Free Speech.
Ah, your own words. See? It wasn’t all that hard, was it?
Really? Are you really that dense? Name one person currently in Biden’s cabinet who also served in Obama’s cabinet. Also, the career employees in the government do not change when a new POTUS is in charge. In fact, a POTUS is unable to hire or fire employees in any of the departments. The POTUS can only hire and fire his political appointees — and that’s subject to Senate approval.
How does a completely naïve person like yourself determine someone is more naïve than themselves? Apparently logic isn’t one of your strong suits.
Count for what? If he writes a book, it might go on the NYT Best Seller’s list, but after a couple of weeks, nobody is paying attention.
He’s not allowed to comment as a private citizen? Did he hang up his experience when he ended his term? More to the point: Who is really paying all that much attention to him?
Apparently YOU are. The rest of us have pretty much ignored Obama since what he says is done so without any power behind it. Obama can’t just order something done and it happens. His is just another bleating voice from the political void.
You live in some sort of fantasy world if you think Obama is pulling any strings.
“They” weren’t in charge? Are you out of your rabid-assed mind? The money has ALWAYS belonged to Iran, goofy. The reason we had it in the first place is because their money was in American banks, and we literally put a hold on it and would not let them have it. Exactly like what we’ve been doing with Russia and China and anyone else we sanction when they don’t do something we want.
I can’t believe that you are that ignorant of this. This is what happens when you allow other people to inform you on how you should think.
We are still talking about Iran? How have they stolen billions from us?
It was their money in the first fucking place. Secondly, we were employing the carrot and stick approach to getting Iran to do what we wanted them to do — and they were actually doing it until your clown decided that he didn’t like the deal and blew it all up. Iran went back to their centrifuges. The whole point is that we can’t be enemies forever. At some point you either have to settle your differences through negotiation and compromise, or you go to war and all the damage that entails.
Yeah, I know, Iran was still doing other bad things, but you will never get everything you want up front. Come to one agreement, then work on others until you get everything done that you want done. We had more negotiations to do to get more out of Iran. Trump was too stupid to understand any of that and just blew it all up — because Obama was involved in the deal.
What Trump showed Iraq — and every other country paying attention — is that the US cannot be trusted on its agreements. The next fucknozzle that comes along is liable to unilaterally shit-can any agreement(s) made previously, without a care for any of the rest of the nations involved.
Every time you open your mouth it seems. You do NOT give a flying fuck about any Muslim civilians anywhere in the world. You have literally said right here on this site that you do not give a shit that thousands of Palestinian men, women, and children are being killed we speak. You just do not give a fuck, and that is something that you and your ‘god’ will be sorting out for you soon enough.
The major difference between you and me in this case is that I DO care about the innocent civilians in this conflict on ALL sides, from ALL religions, ethnicities, and race. YOU would nuke Gaza if you were in power.
You’ve advocated for Trump’s Muslim ban, and if given the chance, you would deport people based on their beliefs. You got completely bent out of shape when I suggested that Israel shared a lion’s share of the blame in this conflict. You also got mad when I told you that many of us had been expecting this shit to jump off since about July. All the signs were there, YOU were just not paying attention. You were still caught up on Hunter Biden’s cock.
They have, but not immediately. This is the part of the equation you refuse to understand: There is a process to fire a federal employee. It doesn’t happen overnight, and can usually take months for the process to play out. It has to do with federal labor laws and the federal employee’s union.
This woman is on administrative leave. I’m sure she is going to make a First Amendment claim in her defense, and this may very well end up in a federal court because of it. I can imagine the grounds in my mind right now: First Amendment rights, the fact that she, herself is Palestinian, and a Muslim, and she is on administration leave expressing her opinions based on those two facts. It makes for a very messy situation.
Robert Malley and Jack Liew – 2 people who were in Obama’s and now Biden’s administration. Both pro-Iran.
Alan Dershowitz agrees with me about Obama. He is an anti-Semite, like his good friends, Louis Farrakhan and Jeremiah Wright.
Go read the whole thing.
The ayatollahs have stolen BILLIONS from their own country.
Like I said before, those “innocent civilians” are being stopped from leaving by the people they voted in, namely, Hamas. If you watched the video, you would know that Hamas has kidnapped and shot their own people. Hamas operates underneath hospitals, schools, kindergartens, etc. They shouldn’t have done those atrocities, they knew what it would bring, and BTW, at least 60% of Gazans still support Hamas. They did the crimes, now they reap the whirlwind.
It’s Israel’s fault that Hamas cut off babies’ heads and slaughtered entire families? You are really degenerate if you believe that. The lion’s share? Are you crazy? Israel has been trying for 75 years to make peace with the Arabs, who won’t even sit at a table with them. Two-state solution? They will NOT accept that, no matter what Biden thinks. Oh, and by the way, are you aware that the Arabs slaughtered Jews before there was a state of Israel? From 1920 to 1939. What was their excuse then?
Finally, watch this video of Biden at a Memorial Day ceremony and tell me he’s playing with a full deck.
Maybe you should fact-check, research, and maybe proof-read a little before you hit the send button.
Robert Malley hasn’t been the United States Envoy for Iran since June 29, 2023, when his security clearance was revoked and he was placed on a paid, then an unpaid leave of absence pending an investigation into his handling of classified information. The investigation was later referred to the Federal Bureau of Investigation where he is likely to be charged. He should go to prison if he is found guilty, just like anyone else.
Jack Liew is has a great Instagram page. But I’m guessing you meant Jack LEW, who was Obama’s Treasury Secretary. He later became the Ambassador to Israel under Biden.
Does Alan Dershowitz know you, or covets your opinion? Is Dershowitz an anti-Semite and has ‘good friends like Louis Farrakhan and Jeremiah Wright?
I think you meant that you agree with Alan Dershowitz, not the other way around. English is a tricky language, huh?
But so what? Who the fuck is Alan Dershowitz to me? Because he is a Democrat? Do I give a crap whether he is an “expert” in Constitutional law? I probably know at least a hundred such ‘constitutional “experts”‘ who can’t even agree with each other.
He’s just another clown with an opinion. He is hardly ‘the avatar of the Democratic Party’. On this, I agree with Bill Clinton when he characterized the idea that getting Democrats to agree on anything is like herding cats.
Better yet, I have always liked Will Roger’s saying, ‘I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat.’
Technically, I am a “DINO”. I don’t belong to any particular Party, and haven’t since I voted for Clinton in 1992 — and I did so as an Independent.
Life Interrupts. I have work to do.
So? I don’t know that’s true or not, but so what? Not my circus, not my monkeys.
But regardless of what anyone does in Iran with money that belongs to Iran is the business of Iran, not mine — or yours. Mind your own business.
You are probably not aware, but almost half of Gaza’s population are children under the age of 18. Forty percent of them are under 12 years old. In other words, they are children.
And yes, 2.2 million, minus the estimated 40,000 who claim to be Hamas, are as much victims of Hamas as Israel is. They can’t just speak out against Hamas — Hama would kill them in a heartbeat. You act as if they had a choice in all of this. This is how fucked up your thinking on all of this is.
In your rabid mind, you equate being held captive by Hamas as somehow being complicit with Hamas. I can’t imagine being that fucking dense to have just acknowledged that these innocent civilians are being stopped from leaving by Hamas and then, in the same breath accuse them not being ‘innocent’. It’s like trying to square a basket ball.
Also, we KNOW that Hamas has been violating the Geneva Convention by running their military operations out of hospitals. Israel is barred from attacking hospitals — unless the enemy is using them as a base of operations.
It’s only a matter of time before you start screaming against the Doctors Without Borders for not admitting that Hamas is operating out of and underneath the hospitals. They don’t dare for the same reason most Palestinians won’t — they would quickly lose their lives.
So while I am concerned about the loss of innocent lives — both Israeli and Palestinian, I fully understand that Israel really has no other choice but to be heavy-handed in this fight. If the enemy isn’t going to play by the ‘rules’, then it gives Israel the awful responsibility to root out the enemy where ever they are hiding.
CNN released a video of their reporters being given a “tour” of the Hamas tunnels under one hospital. It’s pretty much what I expected.
The Israeli government does share the blame in all of this. Bibi’s new Right wing coalition government has pretty much done all it could to provoke the anger of Muslims all over the region. They spent this past summer pushing the envelope more and more. I know that you don’t think it was a big deal for Israel’s far-right national security minister Itamar Ben?-Gvir to lead a group of more than one thousand ultranationalist settlers to the Al-Aqsa compound in occupied East Jerusalem, his third such entrance to the site this year — but it was. It was a provocation that had people predicting pretty much what ended up happening on October 7th. This is like deliberately going in and stirring up the hornet’s nest, hoping there would be a reaction. After all, that was Ben-Gvir’s intent when he did what he did. So yeah, Israel does share part of the blame on this point. They were deliberately trying to provoking a response.
Here’s a clue: go read some of Itamar Ben-Gvir’s writings.
But that was just one thing. There are probably a half-dozen things that together acted as a catalyst — the major one being Saudi Arabia making noises that they were going to normalize relations with Israel. THIS, by itself, probably freaked the flying fuck out of Hamas.
Let’s not forget that roughly half of the Israeli population have a serious problem with Bibi’s right wing government. And many of them are blaming the government right now for this whole mess. It’s almost as if the government let it happen. There is going to be a reckoning when this is all over, and I don’t see Bibi faring all that well.
Imagine a few months from now, the UN decides that Muslims need a new ‘homeland’, and decide that New York State is that chunk of land. You get no say in it, you are shoved off of your ancestral property, or just outright killed. Are you going to just sit back and not burn bread over it? Yet you expect the Palestinians to do that?
Yes, I am well aware that Yassir Arafat turned down the “two-state” solution as envisioned by Israel — a couple of decades ago. There hasn’t been a solid Palestinian government since that time. Even the election that put Hamas in power was sixteen years ago, and it was decided by a minority of voters. There hasn’t been an election since.
If you think that Itamar Bar Gvir going up to the Temple Mount, Judaism’s holiest site, justifies rape, kidnapping, torture and cutting off babies’ heads, then you are SICK.
Where is it in ANYTHING I’ve written here indicates that I said or even insinuated that Hamas was “justified”, you dense twat. Once again, you’ve deliberately misconstrued what I’ve been saying here for whatever reason(s) you have.
You are NOT an honest person. You’ve gone out of your way to post the most obscure bullshit and pretend like it’s real news. You’ve spent 78 percent of your comments in the past six months focusing on Hunter Biden’s willie, and get mad when I tell you that you’ve been paying attention to the wrong things.*
I cannot help it if you haven’t been paying attention to what was going on in Israel since March. You chose to focus on the foibles of a private citizen with personal problems instead of things that are … real.
If you were surprised by the Hamas attacks on October 7th, then that’s all on YOU. Those of us who were paying attention to the REAL news all summer could pretty much predict a major uprising was going to happen, given ALL of the OBVIOUS reporting out of Israel over the past six months.
I doubt that there was just one catalyst that set this whole thing off, but you can bet that Itamar Ben-Gvir leading a group of more than one thousand ultranationalist settlers to the Al-Aqsa compound in occupied East Jerusalem was just one catalyst, but there are several others, such as
I could give you more, if you need it, but I think that even you should get the picture by now. All of this shit was being reported on the nightly fucking news, and you weren’t paying attention to it … because it was ‘mainstream’, and didn’t talk about Hunter Biden’s cock.
I say you “should” get the picture by now, but given your comment history, I don’t see you getting it. To be that fucking dense…
Do you not see the problem yet? The problem is of your own making. You chose not to pay attention, then got totally pissed off here, when I told you that I wasn’t surprised. Remember this little chestnut of yours when I said that nobody should have been surprised by any of this?
You wanting to fight me “to the death on this”, was probably the stupidest thing that ever let fell out of your neck, given the fact that you obviously hadn’t been paying attention to the REAL news.
In case you haven’t figured it out by now, I only react to the topics you introduce here in the comments. I cannot think of any post made by me (or even Terrapod when he gets around to posting something) that has ever initiated a conversation about Hunter Biden. Not once. Yet 78 percent of your comments here are unilaterally about … Hunter Biden.
I could post 8-10 news stories I find on Drudge every morning, and you won’t talk about them, you only want to talk about Hunter Biden.
Now suddenly you are an expert on Israel? Have you ever been there? I have. I fought in the Yom Kippur war, while others my age were in Vietnam. So you can kiss my hairy ass. On second thought, I don’t want your lips anywhere near me.
Let me rephrase this and send it back to you:
If you think that killing and maiming 2.2 million people who had nothing to do with anything somehow avenges the terrible shit that Hamas perpetrated, then it is YOU are the sick one. If you had been in these people’s situation, you’d be wetting yourself by now.
You have this really warped idea of the Palestinian people. You have somehow gotten into your head that they support Hamas, because they voted the political arm of Hamas into office way back in 2006, and haven’t had an election since. At the time, only a plurality of 44% of the votes that gave Hamas 74 of the 132 seats in the legislature. Fifty six percent of the people didn’t vote for Hamas. Since then, the support for Hamas has dwindled.
I’ll let you get back to obsessing about Hunter Biden.
* I came to this 78 percent figure because I went back and counted all of your comments and divided by the number of comments you talked about Hunter Biden. It might interest you to know that until October 7th, you made sixty comments here from 5/5/2023 – 10/7/2023 and none of them even mentioned Israel. Forty-eight of those were specifically about Hunter Biden. Every one of my comments to you were reactions to your comments. Those are the facts, and as scientific as it comes.