In case you hadn’t noticed lately, the time it has taken to load a page here has been excruciatingly long.  It’s been even worse on the backend.  One of the problems is an outdated PHP.  There is nothing I can do about it — that is something Misha has to take care of.

Another problem has been that this site did not have an SSL certificate

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, and was in danger of becoming ‘unavailable’ or blocked by major ISPs for being unsecure.  But look, up above.  There is now a little padlock in the address bar!  I’m guessing Hosting Matters finally got around to applying SSL certs to all of its domains.  This was preventing me from adding a cache and hooking it up to a CDN so that it can serve up pages faster for people not logged in.

Sorry, but the back end will still be a bit slower, because I’m not paying extra money to include the back end.

But you know what?  Fat lot of good any of this does if none of you are going to actively participate here.  It’s not my site, and I wish someone would take over the job of providing regular active content here.  If I start running out of ideas, I might resort to posting nudes of myself:

There’s a naked sock puppet in your area…

I know, huh.  Thanks, I’ve been working out.

Let me know if this page is loading any faster.  Also, I had to change the permalink structure on the pages, so if you’ve linked a page, you might need to go back and re-link.  Sorry, the CDN required the change.

Let me know.

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By I'm THAT Guy

"Well, ya gotta have someone to yell at"

7 thoughts on “Taking Small Steps”
  1. Well, I’ve noticed a massive improvement here on the front end already.  But like I said, the back end is a bit slower. It still takes a moment to post media and comments, but I suspect that is the outdated PHP on the server.

    1. Yeah, something happened to change it back.  I don’t have access to the cPanel, so I don’t know what is going on.

  2. This is Subotai Bahadur.  I used to be a regular on this site, and some time ago I was given to understand that it had shut down.  I just ran across it by accident.  Is the Rottweiler Empire back?  Is Emperor Misha doing all right?  If so, I can be contacted at my old email.

    Subotai Bahadur

    1. The site never actually died.  I’ve been trying to keep it breathing and stumbling along for the past couple of years.  Misha drops by every now and then, but Life Interruptus…

      I don’t want to be running this thing.  I’m not comfortable providing content here — at all.  It’s not my thing, and I really have much better things I could be doing besides … this.

      If you or someone you know would like to start providing content here, let me know.  My interest in politics is almost nil at this point in my life, and providing such content here is best left to people who are more suited for it than I am.

      1. OK, I’ve bookmarked the Empire again and will keep an eye on it and throw things in if I feel so inclined.  Anyone who remembers me know I can be a wordy bugger.  If you should encounter Misha, send him my best wishes.  Although after all this time he likely does not remember me.

        Subotai Bahadur

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