Good morning, from my office perched between two stadiums in Seattle.  I have a LOT of work to do today to get ready for a major HVAC heat pump replacement project in our back kitchen tomorrow, so I will make this as quick as possible…

There.  Done.  This big ol’ bad boy will be dropped out of the ceiling tomorrow morning and replaced with a new unit.  Then the T-square ceiling will go back in on Tuesday, and the restaurant will open back up, just in time for the events of next weekend.

The bill will run around $68k by the time it is all finished.

So this part of my morning is now complete.  Now on to the next big thing:

The BIG question this morning is, Did Israel just end its war with Hamas?

Well, Drudge seems to think so…

Headlines That Caught My Eye This Morning

Item 1:  IDF ends active ground invasion, completely withdraws from southern Gaza

IDF is pulling out of Gaza.  They say it has nothing to do with Biden’s warning about withholding support and materiel if Israel doesn’t start taking the lives of Palestinian civilians and aid workers in mind.  But the timing seems to indicate different.

Never mind that Israel has lost support of most of its allies over the past six months and its own citizens are demanding new elections and a removal of Netanyahu from office.

Item 2:  Israel protests spark chaos in Tel Aviv as thousands call for Benjamin Netanyahu to resign

I know that most of you here on the Rott weren’t paying a bit of attention to what had been going on in Israel for the year prior to the October 7th Hamas attack.  You were probably unaware that a large segment of the Israeli population were angry with Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition government that they had taken to the streets in Tel Aviv for most of the Summer and Fall of last year demanding that he step down and hold new elections.

Item 3:  After six months of war, Israel’s isolation grows with no end in sight

This is what happens when you either bite the hand that feeds you or you completely ignore the wishes of the country that protects you and basically gives you carte blanc to do whatever the fuck you want.

Biden tried as hard as he could to not only continue to provide support to Israel while at the same time try to placate his base who are increasingly disturbed by the fact that Israel is absolutely engaging in a form of ethnic cleansing.  Which brings us to the next headline:

Item 4:  Biden’s Israel shift: not enough for Democrats, too much for Republicans

Biden has been walking a very loose tight rope.  On the one hand, he was voted into office not only by a large group of Democrats, but also a fairly large number of Conservatives who could not, in good conscience, vote for Donald Trump.  These are the folks that brought Biden to the dance in 2020 and he is trying like hell to keep this coalition together for the 2024.

But killing innocent women and children tend to bother a lot of Democrats, and giving the appearance of siding at all with either  a)Palestinians and/or b) Muslims in general against Israel bothers the Conservatives who voted for Biden.  This creates the damned if he does, and damned if he doesn’t type of situation with the voters.

Item 5:  Biden’s response to Netanyahu means the US-Israeli relationship has changed for good

Biden’s response towards Netanyahu has been LONG overdue, and frankly, it should have happened years ago.  The US has given Israel a blank check for over seventy years to do whatever the fuck they wanted to do — even if it went against the original mandate that created the modern State of Israel.

Item 6:  US officials’ fury at Biden Gaza policy means mood in State Department now worse than during the Iraq War

Many of these State Department ‘officials’ are left-overs from the Trump administration.  They serve at the pleasure of the President, so if they have any ‘white-hot’ flashes of ‘fury’, then maybe they should resign before they get replaced.


The Palestinian children who survive the Hamas war of 2024 will eventually grow up to be the next militant force to rise up against Israel twenty years from now.  This has been the cyclical pattern of Israel’s Palestinian problem since it’s inception.  The war fought over the past six months will have created the next generation of Palestinian fighter.  The proof of this is evident today.

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What In The Hell Did I Just Watch?

The Magic Prank Show – Netflix

Recommended Podcasts for Today

The Daily – The NYT

Radiolab – NPR

Science VS – NPR

Memes From the Meme Box

And not necessarily in this order:

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By I'm THAT Guy

"Well, ya gotta have someone to yell at"


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