Good morning from my office perched between two stadiums in Seattle.  It is Saturday morning and things appear to be rather quiet so far.

For the first time in my life, I have actual prescription glasses.  My once-perfect eyesight has gone to wherever my once-perfect hearing ended up at.  So far my hips and knees are still functioning.

You can now subscribe to the new posts both here and at Really?  Seriously?  If I don’t post here, I’m posting at the other site.  If you subscribe to both of them, you won’t miss anything.

There isn’t much to speak of in the news today…

Headlines That Caught My Eye This Morning

Item 1:  Customer shoots Chipotle worker over guacamole dispute in Southfield

Because sure, why not?  Stand yer ground, dammit!

Item 2:  Conspiracy theory runs wild linking New York City’s 4.8-magnitude earthquake to date of solar eclipse

Most of us spend at least twelve years going to school to learn just the basic things you will need to navigate your silly ass through American society.  Presumably, you would have learned what an ‘eclipse’ is, and how idiotic to try and assign some hidden meaning behind their occurrences.

Item 3:  Forecasts for cloudy skies cast shadow over North American solar eclipse

I have several friends who have taken Monday off and have travelled to various places in the country in hopes of viewing the total eclipse as it happens.

First, let me say, that if you’ve seen one eclipse, you’ve pretty much seen them all.  If I need to take a day off from my normal activities and travel somewhere, I am not going to need an excuse to experience an event that will last all of about eight minutes.

I don’t really care about the eclipse.  Been there, done that before.  I don’t need to go out of my way to see it again, and I am REALLY not going to spend a pile of money to fly down to Texas, get a room, just to get fucked by the overcast clouds that day

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What In The Hell Did I Just Watch?

Departure – Peacock

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I’m sure I can find someone who will argue this is wrong…

What a BoomTard

The earthquake was centered around Trumps New Jersey Property…

It’s funny that we can agree on ten things and be mad about just one.

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By I'm THAT Guy

"Well, ya gotta have someone to yell at"


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