Good fucking morning from my office between two stadiums in Seattle.  It’s the day before the end of the year, and I find myself here in my office at 0430 to finish up with the end-of-the-year reports and whatnot.

Not much in the way of news.  My meme box is mysteriously empty this morning.

The Headlines That Caught My Eye This Morning

Item 1:   Europe on alert for New Year’s Eve terror as France deploys 90,000 cops amid ‘very high risk’ of attacks

Anyone who thinks that anti-Semitism didn’t exist in Europe or America after WWII really hasn’t been paying attention.  NEWSFLASH:  It never went away, it was just lurking below the surface until the Right started making its rise again.

Item 2:   Donald Trump’s presidential prospects in peril as most voters think charges are valid

Most people aren’t stupid.  Then again, most people aren’t Right wing Trump supporters. With almost sixty percent of the population knowing Trump is guilty and a solid 33 percent who believe he is innocent, Trump has a serious problem.

Item 3:   Pastor Tried To Deep-Fry McDonald’s Cook

Well, okay then.

Item 4:   America’s slowest population growth since Great Depression

This is a bad thing?  The human race could use a good decimation, if you ask me.  We have too many people to sustain as it is now.

Item 5:   WALKING DREAD Rotting crack ‘zombies’, record murders & sex sold for $20 in squalid tents – the city that turned a blind eye to drugs

Portland Oregon.  I drove through there a couple of weeks ago.  What a nightmare.

Item 6:   The Biden administration once again bypasses Congress on an emergency weapons sale to Israel

Well, Congress is worthless as tits on a boar.

Item 7:   Chick-fil-A’s Closed-on-Sunday Policy Prompts a Highway Rest Stop Revolt

This is apparently one of the most important issues facing Lindsey Graham for some reason.  He is absolutely LIVID over the idea that New York State is going to force Chick-fil-A to either open their doors on Sundays or relocate their asses away from the New York Rest Stops.

Item 8:   Why Section 3 Disqualification Doesn’t Require a Prior Criminal Conviction on Charges of Insurrection

This should be pretty damn simple for those of you who consider yourselves Constitutional ‘textualists’ and believe in the plain-reading of the law.  Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment couldn’t be any plainer:

Fourteenth Amendment  Equal Protection and Other Rights

  • Section 3 Disqualification from Holding Office

    No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.   [Source:]


Donald Trump incited and instigated a large group of his followers to break into Congress for the purpose of stopping the certification of the vote.  He literally threatened the lives of both the Vice President and Nancy Pelosi personally, and he did so publicly on Twitter, and in his speech on January 6th.

This section is what they consider ‘self-executing’ in the sense that it doesn’t take a conviction or an official finding for this section to attach, in much the same way the Constitution has other limitations to be president such as being a natural-born US Citizen, and be at least 35 years of age.  You also can’t have tried to overthrow the election you were running in.

Item 9:    Chess champion loses title over allegations he used anal beads to cheat and defecated in bathtub

How do you cheat at chess with anal beads?  The question is rhetorical — I really do not want to know.


What the Fuck Did I Just Watch?

Berlin (Money Heist) – Netflix

Berlin (Andrés de Fonollosa) is a fictional character in the Netflix series Money Heist and in its prequel spin-off, Berlin, portrayed by Pedro Alonso.[1] A terminally ill grand larcenist, jewel thief, and cracksman, he is the Professor’s second-in-command and brother.


Random Music I Found On The Rott Server:

(I’ll add more music later today)


Memes From My Meme Box

For some reason, there were only two memes in my box this morning.  Maybe all my meme farmers took the day off?  If you have a meme you’d like to donate to my meme box, feel free to send them to


















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By I'm THAT Guy

"Well, ya gotta have someone to yell at"

4 thoughts on “Saturday News and Stupid Commentary – No Gaffes Today”
  1. Anti-semitism in Europe comes not just from the right, but from the deluge of Muslims taken into countries like France. And if you want examples, I’ll be happy to provide them. It also comes from the left. Communism is not a friend to Jews.

    1. By definition, a devout Muslim IS a Right wing conservative, as are devout religious types from all three Abrahamic religions.

      Devout Christians hate Jews and Muslims. Devout Jews hate Christians and Muslims, and of course, devout Muslims hate both Christians and Jews.

      Most of the anti-Semitism in Europe and here in the US is Right wing in nature. Devout Muslims, for the most part make up only a tiny fraction of the hatred towards Jews in this country. Most of the hatred here is from Right Wing Nationalists and Neo Nazis.

    1. We are going broke? Do tell.

      I am willing to bet gobs of cash that you didn’t bother looking up the Citizen Diplomacy Action Fund (CDAF) to see what they are all about, did you? You only read the heavily-slanted article that seemed to focus solely on the fact that a bunch of queers were involved didn’t you?

      Your ability to delve deeper into a subject is lacking.

      What is the Citizen Diplomacy Action Fund for U.S. Alumni?

      The Citizen Diplomacy Action Fund for U.S. Alumni provides small grants for teams of U.S. government-sponsored exchange program alumni to carry out public service projects using the skills, knowledge, and networks gained during their exchange experiences. This funding opportunity is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and implemented by Global Ties U.S. CDAF will award funding to teams of at least two exchange alumni, of whom the primary team member must be a U.S. citizen, to carry out public service projects in one of the following themes:

      • Strengthening Democratic Institutions & Fighting Disinformation   

      • Protecting the Environment    

      Building community through Arts, Sports, Language, and Technology   

      Human Rights, Refugees, and Migrants  

      Supporting Communities Impacted by Illicit Drugs

      The US State Department has numerous programs that set up grants to further American Interests throughout the country and the world. The program you are whining about here has a description:

      Ballroom Saves Lives: Resiliency and Wellness in Peru Ballroom aims to uplift transgender and gender diverse youth leaders in Lima, Peru by amplifying arts-based ballroom spaces, connecting LGBTQIA+ people with healthcare resources, and fostering trust with health providers through the ballroom community through three events and a series of workshops. Ballroom is a performance art style and culture consisting of dance, modeling, and community engagement that began in the Black and Latinx LGBTQIA+ community.

      Now I don’t pretend to understand what all is involved here, nor am I all that interested. But if I were to have to guess, I suspect that LGBT+(the rest of the alphabet) doesn’t have much support in Peru and this is a group of US citizens that have taken a grant given out by the State Department to try and make life a bit more tolerable for this group of human beings. If that bothers you, then get a life.

      As far as some of the other projects that have been approved by the State Department for 2023, here is a long list:

      Ballroom Saves Lives: Resiliency and Wellness in Peru Ballroom

      • Be the Superhero of Your Own Story / Sé el Superhéroe de Tu Propia Historia

      • Black Gold 

      • Camp cARTal

      • Centering Indigenous Taiwan: Sharing Stories and Amplifying Native Voices, Histories, and Cultures

      • Chasing Ice: Empowering Young Hockey Players in Ladakh

      • Community-Building Intercultural Exchange Program

      • Creating Community for Ukrainian Refugees Through Art 

      • Creating Educational Leaders for Underserved Areas in Pakistan 

      • Creative Collaborazione:

      • Cultural Exchange Through Teen-Centered (High School) Theatre

      • Curiosity Literacy

      • Defensores Ambientales (Planet Defenders)

      • Destination Exchange:

      • Developing Citizenship Education to Strengthen Citizen Oversight and Government Accountability in Zimbabwe

      • Early Development for Girls in Engineering (EDGE)

      • Elevating Afro-Colombian and Indigenous Voices in the Andes

      • Empowering Young Kenyans to Respond to Misinformation & Disinformation through Research, Training, and a Toolkit

      • En Pointe for Equality 

      • The Exchange Alumni Ambassadors Program

      • Generation Go-Giver: Encouraging Youth Action Against Climate Change 

      • Ghanaian Youth + Environmental Artivism (G-YEA!)

      • Global Denver Youth Summit

      • Harmundi International Music Summit

      • Healthcare Simulation Educational Exchange-Training Ethiopian Nurses to be Emergency First Responders Utilizing Scenario-based Learning

      • Heartland Alumni Network

      • Immigration in the U.S.: Changing Landscapes and Emerging Issues 

      • Inspiring Environmental Stewardship Through Birding

      • International Peek

      • International VermiComposting 

      • Mapping and Traceability: Fighting Rural Depopulation with New Technologies

      • Nepal Dalit Youth Writing Workshop 

      • Once Upon a Future – Fostering Youth Development in Nigeria Through the Arts

      • Rarámuri Cultural Reclamation Program

      • Riverside Chats: Community Conversations towards Protecting Alabama’s Freshwater Resources

      • Seeds of Life 

      • Sew Successful: Economic and Social Empowerment for Afghan Refugee Women Artisans

      • Storytelling for Empowerment and Reproductive Health with Adolescents in the Amazon

      • Strengthening Community and Mental Health Through Improvisation

      • Supporting the Civic and Democratic Participation and Persistence of Girls in Benin 

      • Sustainable Agricultural Development and Value-Addition Opportunities in the Virunga Foothills of Kisoro, Uganda 

      • TeamBeats Argentina

      • Toktogul Preschool Teacher Training and Summer Program

      • Using Community on-Farm Research Projects to Educate and Empower Farming 

      • Youth Artpreneurship Training

      • Youth Can Design

      • Youth Hub Ukraine: Serving Internally Displaced Children

      [Full List and Source]

      Funny thing: We spend money in other nations because it is cheaper than having to deal with them in wars and other conflicts.

      For example: We have a SERIOUS problem at our Southern Border. So does Mexico at the moment. There are a fucking SHITLOAD of people fleeing their countries in Central America because the conditions on the ground there are dangerous, if not deadly.

      We used to hand out all sorts of cash to these countries in order to keep people from heading up here. For some reason, we stopped doing that and look what’s happening. People are fleeing those countries and heading up here.

      It’s one thing to ‘lock’ the border to prevent migrants and refugees out, but when they start showing up in the tens of thousands, then you know that problem is down there, not here.

      Fix the problem down there, and they will stop coming. If that means handing out money for programs that would keep them down there, then that’s what we will have to do.

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