As I get over the past week of COVID, and my capacity to focus on one thing for more than ten minutes before drifting off into a daze has increased, I was able for the first time in a week to sit in my media room and watch a new series.

Every month I switch up on streaming platforms so I am not spending gobs of money on the platforms I am not watching at the moment.  It’s the key to cutting the cord.  This month, I’m on Paramount+ Showtime, and my first show I’m watching is

Lawmen: Bass Reeves

Bass Reeves is supposed to be a main part of the inspiration for The Lone Ranger>

, although loosely.

This will be obviously an open thread.  If you want the news, go find it yourself.

Oh, and whatever you do, do NOT post the following on FaceCrack:

“Your content goes against our Community Standards on dangerous individuals and organizations.”

Apparently the FaceCrack AI doesn’t understand sarcasm, let alone allow you to talk shit about the premise.  I’m going to let my AI fight with their AI for a while…

Now go fuck yourselves.  Until later… maybe.

Now if you don’t mind, I am going back to bed at 10:48 in the morning.



My new shirt arriving from Amazon tomorrow.


This is actually worth listening to:


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By I'm THAT Guy

"Well, ya gotta have someone to yell at"

10 thoughts on “What I’m Streaming”
  1. If you have AppleTV+ you might want to look at some of the things they have. Greyhound, Monarch, which is just starting, For all mankind and a bunch of other things.

    1. I just shut AppleTV+ off for a couple of months. I like to get a backlog of shows to watch. So I change platforms and watch another backlog I’ve created, then on to the next one.’ Unfortunately, I miscalculated on Bass Reeves. I’ll probably stop watching it until the next time I rehook to Paramount +

      It will start picking up again, now that all the Hollywood strikes are over. Hopefully we won’t see our subscription rates increase…

  2. Still Delusional After All These Years
    Obama, Hamas and the venerable doctrine of Islam.

    In the context of the current war with Hamas, according to ABC news, Obama said of Israel’s campaign, “‘There are people right now who are dying who have nothing to do with what Hamas did,’ Obama said, making the distinction between Palestinians who live in Gaza and the militant group Hamas, which the U.S. has designated a terrorist organization.”

    We’ll pass over the mendacious euphemism “the militant group Hamas,” and the implication that the accurate description “terrorist organization” is merely a prejudiced slur by U.S. security agencies. More important is Obama’s variation on the cringing and dishonest phrase “nothing to do with what Islam,” an echo of the Western apologists after 9/11 who regularly chanted this lie.

    [Once again, I had to edit your comment to at least attempt to remain legal.]

    1. I do not know why this is so hard for you to grasp:


      You are allowed to use EXCERPTS of articles as long as you are using the excerpts to further your OWN thoughts. The excerpts have to have the source link just like I fixed your comment.

      Use the blockquotes to separate the excerpted part from your own words.

      I mean, if you want to continue on being illegal, go out and start your own blog, where it will be YOU who has to face the cease and desist notices and threats of legal action. As long as one of the legal contacts for this site remains in my name, I will continue to enforce this. The next time, I will delete it.

      It’s not hard. The purpose of providing comments is for us to hear from YOU, in YOUR words. If you want to punctuate your words with a reference excerpt, then you are allowed — as long as it is only an excerpt that can be directly related to what you’ve written.

      THAT SAID, there is a way you can post an entire article if you do in the way Misha does when he “Fisks” someone. Here is an example:

      Notice he uses his own words to comment on an article he read, uses an excerpt in blockquote as a reference, then continues on with his argument. He references another excerpt and comments. He could have posted the entire article this way — as long as he was demonstrably using the article as a reference.

      I know you think I’m being the asshole on this, but I do have a responsibility here, as long as I’m the one still keeping this thing up, sans Misha, then this is how it has to be.

      If you don’t respect me, at least respect Misha.

      Really, this isn’t all that hard.

      1. You posted five paragraphs — which is about four paragraphs too many, and none of it was posted as a reference to anything you said — because you said nothing on your own.

        Neither the Fair Use Doctrine nor the Creative Commons licensing allows you to just post a stand-alone cut-and paste copy of someone else’s work like you did.

        Maybe this will help you

        Fair Use

        Copyright law allows “fair use” of small parts of copyrighted works without the author’s permission. Reviews, research, critiques, and news reports are “fair use.” There is no clear separation between “fair use” and “plagiarism,” but generally, fair use depends on the content the other writer uses. Quoting one or two lines for a review, with credit to the original source, could be fair use. Using four or five pages likely constitutes plagiarism. [emphasis mine]

        Is It Legal to Copy Content From a Website? – FindLaw

        Did you see how I did this? I posted the pertinent part of the article, provided the source, and then blockquoted it to distinguish from my own writing. There is no confusion that I copied this snippet as a reference. Because I changed it from it’s original form by bolding a sentence, I was also required to note that I had changed it with an emphasis.

        If you don’t understand how to blockquote, or turn a sentence into a link or make something bold, then I will explain it to you.

        The buttons you see below the comment editor window will do all the magic for you.

        To make something bold, highlight it and push the “B” button. Want to italicize something, highlight it and click the “I” button. To underline, click the “U” button.. Strike-out, the “S“.

        If you want to blockquote a section of text, highlight it and click the ” button.

        If you want to turn a sentence or a word into a URL, then highlight it, and click the one that looks like two chain links, and then enter the URL in the little window that pops up.

        It’s really pretty simple, once you get the hang of it.

        Look, I am NOT trying to make this hard for you. Please don’t think I am picking on you for no reason. Part of my responsibility as a webmaster is to make sure the site isn’t blindly careening into a courtroom somewhere.

        I’ve had to deal with cease and desist letters on this site before. Some are quite nasty. Often they are for copyright infringements that may have occurred here months ago, but were only discovered recently. I then have to go digging deeeeeep to find and toss them.

        Here’s the other part of the equation: Cease and Desist letters usually don’t just come one at a time, they come in groups, because an attorney somewhere has found that the site has several previous examples of plagiarism. It’s hard to plead innocence if there is a pattern of ignoring copyright laws.

        All I’m trying to do here is to keep this whole shebang up and running so you can have a place to go share your views, while at the same time keeping either me and/or the owner of this dog pound from being sued for copyright infringement because one of the silly users has decided that she is somehow above the law and doesn’t give a flying fuck about anyone else but herself.

        THAT SAID, all of this might be moot if Misha doesn’t come and take this thing off my hands. All of you seem to be ignoring what I’ve been TRYING to drill into your heads lately:

        I’m not going to be here too much longer. If I decide to go, I’m shutting it off to any new content until Misha decides to come back. I don’t know exactly when that will be, but it will be soon. I will leave it to you to read between the lines.

      2. Oh, and the video was NOT the same. It showed more, I don’t remember yours showing the MRI room. And a different Israeli talked in it.

      3. Do you ever bother to check before you open up your mouth and make a fool of yourself?

        They are the same exact video. The difference is that I converted the YouTube video to a self-hosted video in case YouTube ‘lost’ the video.

        But go check. Same guy, same 6:58 video showing the same exact thing.

        Honestly, I don’t care if you reposted the video here. All I’m saying is that it appears you just drive up to this site, find a comment thread that is open, and then just dump a cut and pasted article and then leave.

        I would LOVE to hear from YOU in your own words, not respond to some nonsense you’ve posted here. You are ABLE to use your own words and you can articulate and get your point across quite well. I just wish you would do it more often.

        I would offered to give you an author’s slot here if I thought you could follow the basic guidelines.

        It might be something you’d want to consider.

        Like I said, it is NOT my intention to be the asshole here.

        Can you pick up what I am putting down here?

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