Israel has taken possession of the largest hospital in Gaza and they are showing the world what they’ve found so far.

It may take a few minutes to load here — the Rott server is on its very last legs and is liable to go kaput any day now.  I actually had to serve this video from one of my personal web servers because the Rottie server has been sorely neglected and requires some attention from Misha.

There is also this intermittent loss of connection between Hosting Matters routers and the world.

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By I'm THAT Guy

"Well, ya gotta have someone to yell at"

7 thoughts on “Another Tour of the Hospital Video”
  1. Not surprising. These folks happily use civilians as human shields, using hospitals for military purposes is nothing to them. I’d bet on the mosques also having weapons stored. After all, it is considered a good thing for Moslems to lie to unbelievers, this is an extension of that. This is the Dar al-Harb, the world of religious war, which is to be waged until all people are followers of Allah.

    1. It’s guerrilla warfare, plain and simple.

      I’ll steal this from wiki:

      Guerrilla warfare is a form of unconventional warfare in which small groups of irregular military, such as rebels, partisans, paramilitary personnel or armed civilians including recruited children, use ambushes, sabotage, terrorism, raids, petty warfare or hit-and-run tactics in a rebellion, in a violent conflict, in a war or in a civil war to fight against regular military, police or rival insurgent forces. [Wikipedia]

      A lot of people expect Israel to wage a conventional war against these people, following conventional laws on war, but that would be almost impossible if the opposing side isn’t following the same conventional laws. If anything, if Israel were to follow conventional laws in this conflict, it would stretch the war out and would almost guarantee even more innocent civilian deaths as a result.

      And for those of you who do not understand the concept of “innocence”, just substitute the word with “non-combatant”.

      After all, it is considered a good thing for Moslems to lie to unbelievers,

      Do you mean Taqiya?

      Let not believers take disbelievers as allies rather than believers. And whoever [of you] does that has nothing with Allah , except when taking precaution against them in prudence. And Allah warns you of Himself, and to Allah is the [final] destination. [Quran 3:28]

      Here is a paraphrased version:

      “… believers who in some areas or times fear for their safety from the disbelievers… are allowed to show friendship to the disbelievers outwardly, but never inwardly.” Ibn Kafthir quotes Muhammad‘s companion, Abu Ad-Darda’, who said “we smile in the face of some people although our hearts curse them,” and Al-Hasan who said that “dissimulation (Tuqyah) is acceptable till the Day of Resurrection.”

      So basically the “religion of peace” is a religion of deceit. Stealing from Undisputed Truth:

      Smiling faces sometimes

      Pretend to be your friend

      Smiling faces show no traces

      Of the evil that lurks within (can you dig it?)

      Smiling faces, smiling faces, sometimes

      They don’t tell the truth

      Smiling faces, smiling faces tell lies and I got proof

      Oh, oh, yeah

      Can you dig it?

  2. IDF finds data on rescued hostage in Al-Shifa Hospital laptopsThe IDF said there is extensive additional data that it still needs to parse from the technological items it found at the hospital.
    They also found a killed hostage at the hospital.

    Hamas has refused a humanitarian delivery of fuel to a hospital.

    With mapping robots and blast gel, Israel wages war on Hamas tunnelsTunnels stretch hundreds of kilometers under Gaza, Israel says Israeli hostages are held in some tunnels

    “The only population left is the terrorists,” the officer said, adding that sometimes a secondary explosion set off by a tunnel destruction blast “will bring down a building a few hundred meters away.”

  3. American man funding pro-Palestine protests is ‘Marxist’ millionaire with ‘close ties’ to CCP, researcher says
    The pro-Palestinian protests over the last month, where tens of thousands in the U.S. have chanted for the end of Israel, are not merely a story of organic rage.

    “Since 2017, Singham has been the main funder of The People’s Forum, which has co-organized at least four protests after 1,400 innocent Israelis were slaughtered by Hamas on October 7,” according to Block. “One rally, in Times Square, happened on October 8 before Israel had even counted its dead.”

    The People’s Forum, based in Midtown Manhattan, claims to be a “movement incubator for working class and marginalized communities to build unity across historic lines of division at home and abroad.”

    “But a review of public disclosure forms show that multimillionaire Singham and his wife Evans have donated over $20.4 million to The People’s Forum from 2017 to 2022 through a series of shell organizations and donor advisory groups—accounting for nearly all of the group’s funding,” Block writes.

    In 1993, Singham launched a software consulting company called Thoughtworks in Chicago. In August 2017, he sold it to Apax Partners, a private equity firm, for a whopping $785 million.

    “But Singham is more than just a Marxist with deep pockets,” writes Block, citing a report in the Times. “He is also a China sympathizer who lives in Shanghai and has close ties to at least four propaganda news sites that boost the Chinese Communist Party’s image abroad.”

    As a “fabulously wealthy” adult, Singham praised Hugo Chavez and claimed that “China is teaching the West that the world is better off with a dual system of both free-market adjustments and long-term planning.”

    It amazes me that all these millionaires and billionaires who profited from capitalism then work against it, in the most underhanded ways.

    1. Isn’t a “Marxist millionaire” somewhat of an oxymoron?

      There are a lot of millionaires and even too many billionaires with more money than sense. When The Supreme Robes ruled in Citizen’s United that money was speech, for the purpose of the First Amendment, then this would be the expected result. Imagine this money being spent directly on getting officials elected into office.

      oh wait…

      I’ve discovered this funny little law of nature in the past couple of years:

      If I don’t spend all of my time looking for stupid shit, then I am not going to find it all the time.

      My mother used to tell me every time I got into a fight that if I went looking for trouble, I will always find it.

      Idiots exist in the world. They come in all shapes and sizes, genders, races, and social/economic backgrounds. Some are malignant, others benign. Most are avoidable.

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