This land is MINE

A brief history of the land called Israel/Palestine/Canaan/the Levant.

The Exodus Song has always been one of my favorites.  I sang it in boys choirs and school choirs when I was a kid.  But I was no Pat Boone.

Nina Paley, the author of this video has a great little guide showing the various characters in the video and the times they fought over this same chunk of land.  All for….?

Welcome to our new Safe Space!

Okay, calm your tits.  Not that kind of ‘safe place’.  I’m talking InterTube -wise.  The SSL cert is showing up now with the cute little lock in your address bar.  I have to use a plugin to pull things together here since I don’t have access to the cPanel on the server.

I’ve also installed a plugin called “Complianz” which attempts to make this joint compliant with the laws of several states and countries.  You may notice this thing that floats across the bottom of your screen to inform you of the fact that we ARE collecting information off of your ass and storing it here on our end

monero wallet>

, to do with whatever the flying fuckity fuck we choose.

We do collect IP addresses.  We can’t help it, every webserver just does it.  Every time a computer connects to this site, they share IP addresses and a timestamp.  If your Chatty Cathy computer is friendly enough, it might be willing to give up it’s MAC and whatever else is readily available.  Luckily for everyone here, the server does not collect that kind of information on our level.

We used to require a “Loyal Citizen” to be a registered member of this site in order to comment or use the hidden features I would occasionally throw on here.  There are a crap load of old members in the database with all of their usernames, email addresses, and passwords.  The last I looked there were about three thousand of them from over the past fifteen years.  People long gone.

I am thinking about purging the database of all but the past six months of data.  This database is old and tired, and carries a lot of ‘ghosts’ of previous configurations.  I think if I can prune out all the old, worthless crap, I can speed things up here a bit.  I still can’t get past the old PHP issue, I’m hoping Misha can push a button and fix it.

This is how I spent MY Saturday, you ingrates.

Bevis and Butthead Go To Congress


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By I'm THAT Guy

"Well, ya gotta have someone to yell at"

One thought on “I Now Declare This To Be a Safe Place”
  1. I see we both discovered the same plugin. I haven’t installed that complianz thing yet. I have this thing about complying with the diktats of some jumped up pinheaded bureaucrat.

    Now for an amusing story. I bought a Ford Bronco in July after waiting for a year. (2 door big Bend) Today I went into a Ford dealership, (Not the one I bought my Bronco from. This one is closer but is known for being a bit shady) I needed to pick up a part. (Nothing wrong with my new Bronco, this is an add on)

    As I climbed out, there were a couple of sales reps hovering at the door. The words from one of them was “Oh my God! A two door Bronco, and it’s green!”

    I was on a mission, and I just smiled and asked for directions to the parts department. I picked up my item and as I left, I saw the two sales guys drooling over my Bronco. I stopped and commented:

    “I hate to tell you, but I’m not in the market for a new car right now.”

    That got a laugh from them. 😀

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