Good morning from my office stuffed between two stadiums in Seattle. It is a rainy day in Seattle with an expected high of 63°F and … more rain. I love it.

No, the image above is neither the RNC last month nor the DNC that just ended. It is an image from a Phish concert. Why, you ask?

Because, why not? I’m already burned out on the politics — and honestly, I really haven’t been paying that close of attention — and I am still sick of it already.

So that’s what I am going to try and do today: just try and post non-political items for today. Obviously, I will fail to some extent, because it is almost impossible to find non-political stuff on the InterTubes today. But here goes anyways…

First, a Public Service Announcement:

I am sure by now you all seen the video of Tim Walz’s son Gus ugly-crying in pure happiness and joy as his father explained his family life. I am also fairly sure that you’ve seen some of the UGLY Right-wingnut responses to that video.

What I am fairly certain is that NONE of these assholes who stood up and ridiculed this scene didn’t know that Gus Walz is a kid like so many who are suffering from ADHD before they thought it might be better to check out this kid’s background before they made utter asses out of themselves.

I noticed yesterday that a couple of these freaks tried to walked their assholery back when they did find out, but it’s a little too late for all that.

Nobody is Surprised. Were YOU?

12-Year-Old Boy Hands Mike Lindell his Ass.

First rule of Adulthood: Don’t argue with children

Mike Lindell, who should be selling pillows, shaved off his mustache, donned a straw hat, and went “undercover” to the Democratic National Convention, where he was immediately recognized despite his ‘undercover’ status. Apparently, several notable Trump apologists and conspiracy theorists went “undercover” to the DNC this past week.

Lindell, was the only one of them that ended up going “viral” for their stupidity.

Knowa De Brascoa, 12-year-old home schooled kid from Georgia, is apparently an activist and content creator who was there supporting Vice President Kamala Harris. He got into a debate with Mike Lindell, had been spotted at the United Center wandering around in a fedora to “investigate” gender-neutral bathrooms and peddle his baseless election conspiracy theories. The kid absolutely schooled Lindell.

Just what I need

C’mon, tell me you wouldn’t want one of these.

Shut up, It’s Fashion!

I should get my wife one of these. But which anniversary?

Sounds about right:

The Model

Tell Me About It…


How To Spot an Idiot

(It’s easier than it should be)

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Some people and their kids. Is there a scenario — any scenario — that would cause you to take a sledge hammer to a perfectly good 98″ 4k OLED television? Just because you don’t like what is on the television?

A television of this size can run anywhere from around $2,000 upwards to around $10,000, with the average being around $3,500. So why would it make ANY sense to destroy something that you’ve already paid for like this? What exactly is the point you are trying to make here?

Whatever it is, got lost in the indisputable fact that this is an Idiot of the First Order.

Looking for something crazy to watch?

This AMC show just dropped on Netflix last week. If you like blood, gore, sex, smoking, nudity, and every other warning given, then this is the show for you.

Okay, that’s it for today.

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By I'm THAT Guy

"Well, ya gotta have someone to yell at"


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