Good morning from my Hunker-Bunker overlooking the Puget Sound from West Seattle, Washington, USA. This is where all the *magic* really gets done, from the isolated comforts of my home.

I did NOT watch, listen, or otherwise follow the convention in Chicago. I am assuming from the lack of headlines saying different, that Chicago is still up and standing. I saw one image of a small group of protesters facing a small group of riot cops with their clubs at the ready. It looked more like a staged photo-op, than anything really serious.

I guess we’ve said our “Thank Yews” and “Goodbyes” to Joe Biden. Sent out to pasture on a four-minute standing ovation.

Biden spoke for fifty-two minutes. By “spoke”, I mean he probably shouted out parts of his speech in the Joe Biden way of highlighting the wrong parts of a sentence as he raises the volume of his voice.

“America, I gave my best to you,” Biden boomed. He then ad-libbed: “I made a lot of mistakes in my career. But I gave my best to you.”

I don’t doubt he gave his best. He wouldn’t have lasted in public life as long as he has without giving his ‘best’. I can not fault him for that. As far as his ‘mistakes’ goes, I’d let history decide on the judgment of his presidency and his career overall. Often the things we champion today turn out to be our boondoggle a few years from now, and vice-versa. “What were they thinking…?”

I think we tend to pick the president we deserve for that moment in time. Sometimes it doesn’t make any sense, but for the most part, we’ve survived them all so far.

Is this going to stop me from ridiculing any of them as I see fit? Nope.

“It’s not fair!”

Unfair to who?

Unfair to Joe because he was pushed to get out of the race? Why should this bother Donald Trump? He’s pretty much made it a point to tell the entire world how much he hates and dislikes Joe Biden, so why would he be as upset as he apparently is for Joe’s affairs? He’s literally running for office in hopes of kicking Joe out of it.

No, he thinks this it is unfair to TRUMP. Donald wants to be able to choose his opponent, just like his friend Vladimir Putin. He was more than happy to run against Joe Biden because Joe was in obvious decline and his victory over Biden would have been sure and a ‘repudiation’ of his gigantic loss in 2020.

At least in his mind.

“It was a coup!”

Democrats threw Biden out of office? The last I looked, he is still president, and Harris is still the VP.

Trump likes to use charged words and expressions to ‘awfulize’ something that he wants people to dislike and attack. A “coup” makes a person think that they took over the government, instead of the reality of Joe Biden being persuaded to step aside and not seek re-election to office. That persuasion coming from the ground-up, as more and more Democrats start to realise that Joe Biden is not going to make it to a second term. This caused the leader of the party to make the case to Joe and whether he was angry or not at the moment is immaterial: he decided to do what HE felt was best for the country, and not himself.

Obviously Donald Trump knows that Joe Biden is not capable of filling a second term — this is exactly why he’s mad because Joe isn’t running any longer. Trump knows that almost anyone else on the Democratic bench could probably beat him. In case you hadn’t noticed, Trump 2024 is not the same Trump as the 2016 version. He’s not all there either, and the sooner Republicans figure that out, the better chance they have of replacing Trump before it is too late. (if it isn’t too late already)


Just more proof that the only thing Republicans can do is be an opposition party. They cannot govern. They cannot legislate. They tend to be more effective as the minority than majority.


What have we come to?


Good fucking point, actually. Women get breast removals and / or enhancements on a regular basis. People are now able to have surgery all around their ‘bits’ — men can become ridiculously large with ‘gender-affirming’ work done. You might either be surprised at the number of men, women, and children who are ‘getting work done’ or you may be one yourself.

People are bleaching their assholes for fuck’s sake!

Is rearranging the plumbing and creating a new gender-affirming look and feel any different?

Do you like freedom? To be independent? To do your own thing without the government telling you that you shouldn’t or can’t as long as it doesn’t infringe upon someone else’s thing?

Or are you looking for a Daddy-Government to tell you how to live?


I thought this was fake so I looked it up. Go ahead and click on the image and it will take you to the article.

Is it not ironic that Donald Trump feels he can criticize anyone that comes to his mind but he wants to make it illegal to do so if the judge sides with him?

Low Bar

My Kind of Cat Lady


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"Well, ya gotta have someone to yell at"


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