Good morning from my office stuck between two stadiums in Seattle. It is 0330 and I’ve been here all night, after coming from the Foo Fighters concert across the street and spending several hours in the restaurant bar after closing with my friends from the band.

A much better event to attend than a political rally by either presidential candidate.


If you are of a certain age and older, you may be feeling a bit of that deja vu. It seems like we’ve been here before.

A Democratic National Convention in Chicago, of all the places on the planet.

Fifty-six years ago, (yes, kids, it’s been that long) the Democrats held convention in Chicago that ended up in complete turmoil, thanks to a whole lot of over-policing that ended up causing riots. The ‘establishment’ at the time were inexperienced in dealing with a large political protest gatherings and responded with violence against an otherwise peaceful gathering, which, of course, caused an explosion of violence in response.

LBJ had decided he wasn’t going to seek re-election, just like Joe Biden. The Vietnam war was number one in the mind of students — just like the Israel/Hamas bullshit has them riled up now.

The Chicago 7

The Chicago Seven, originally the Chicago Eight and also known as the Conspiracy Eight or Conspiracy Seven, were seven defendants – Rennie Davis, David Dellinger, John Froines, Tom Hayden, Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, and Lee Weiner – charged by the United States Department of Justice with conspiracy, crossing state lines with intent to incite a riot, and other charges related to anti-Vietnam War and 1960s counterculture protests in Chicago, Illinois during the 1968 Democratic National Convention. The Chicago Eight became the Chicago Seven after the case against codefendant Bobby Seale was declared a mistrial.

All of the defendants were charged with and acquitted of conspiracy; Davis, Dellinger, Hayden, Hoffman, and Rubin were charged with and convicted of crossing state lines with intent to incite a riot; Froines and Weiner were charged with teaching demonstrators how to construct incendiary devices and acquitted of those charges. All of the convictions were later reversed on appeal, and the government declined to retry the case. While the jury deliberated, Judge Julius Hoffman convicted the defendants and their attorneys of contempt of court and sentenced them to jail sentences ranging from less than three months to more than four years. The contempt convictions were also appealed, and some were retried before a different judge.

Since the beginning of the trial in 1969, the defendants and their attorneys have been depicted in a variety of art forms, including film, music, and theater.  – From Wiki

Will History Repeat?

Well, let’s see… We’ve had an assignation attempt. We’ve had an incumbent candidate decide not to run. We’re having another Democratic National Convention in Chicago, and there are a shitload of college students geared up to protest yet another war that we are either directly or indirectly involved in, and is liable to draw us further into a major turmoil.

You tell me.

A couple of more things…

Working at a hotel between two stadiums, I get to experience the crowds that attend the various games and venues. There are street merchants with their hot dogs and kettle corn, team memorabilia for sale.

The events will also attract a couple of Christian ASSHOLES who think it is their right and duty to blast their fucking beliefs over bullhorns into the faces of the people passing by. This shit is so fucking loud that you can hear it inside of the hotel.

Apparently, someone finally thought to give these fucknozzles a taste of their own bullshit.

The funny thing is, this guy didn’t like it. After about five minutes of this he tried to get a Seattle cop to stop her. The cop told the guy to basically fuck himself. You sow what you reap, as the scripture says.

A Trump Accusation is Usually a Trump Confession

More on Presidential Immunity:

Sound about right?

Sisyphus Had it Easy

Okay kids, I am through for the day. I’m going home now.

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By I'm THAT Guy

"Well, ya gotta have someone to yell at"


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