It is Monday.  I’m here in my office nestled between two stadiums in Seattle.  There is a chill in the air, and I have work to do.

Headlines that caught my eye this morning:

1.  Antisemitic Comments Increase Across Chinese Social Media

2.  Joe Biden’s Impeachment is Looking More Likely

3.  Federal office buildings are 80% vacant

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, government audit finds

4.  Protesters delay start of Cal-USC football game in Berkeley

And now the Stupid Commentary:

I haven’t actually read the stories attached to these headlines.  They are as I copied them from Drudge.

1.  I am NOT surprised.  In case anyone hadn’t noticed, but social media all over the world has always been somewhat anti-Semitic.

2.  Republicans were always going to impeach the next Democratic president as a payback for Trump’s two impeachments.  It’s a childish game that has no chance of going anywhere.

3.  Is there a complaint here somewhere?

4.  I’d be worried if students at Berkeley weren’t protesting about something.  I think the school offers credit for protesting.  But from what I heard on NPR this morning, the students weren’t protesting world events, they were protesting the firing of a teacher.

Now For an Interesting Test:

How observant are you?  Do you consider yourself an aware person?  Would you like to find out just how aware you really are?

Awareness Test

How did you  do?

What I am watching:



From the Meme Box This Morning:


Okay, that’s it for you reprobates.  Have a great day, and don’t do anything that I wouldn’t do.

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By I'm THAT Guy

"Well, ya gotta have someone to yell at"

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October 30, 2023 19:05

Poor, naive Sock Puppet!

Dale Gribble - YouTube

November 1, 2023 16:08

Here’s some news you may not have seen:
Fauci-run Montana lab experimented on Wuhan coronavirus strain BEFORE pandemic
Bats, coronaviruses and Fauci were at the center of a U.S. taxpayer-funded study conducted more than a year before COVID — at a lab in Montana.
Just in time for Halloween, a 2018 study connected to America’s most well-known mad scientist surfaced tying the National Institute of Health’s (NIH) Rocky Mountain Laboratories to the infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).

Published in the journal Viruses, research conducted at the Montana facility, overseen by then-director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Dr. Anthony Fauci, was authored by researchers along with known WIV collaborator from the University of North Carolina, Ralph Baric.

But Fauci knew NOTHING about the coronavirus.

When is this guy going to jail?

November 1, 2023 22:44

Soros-funded D.A. gets a taste of what she’s created after leaving $90,000 SUV unattended
Pamela Price, the progressive prosecutor in Alameda County, California, got a look at crime, up close and personal, when her office laptop was stolen from an SUV after her bodyguard parked the vehicle Friday afternoon, according to KGO-TV in Oakland.
And police never showed up to take a report.

The incident took place during working hours when Price was at the Alameda County Family Justice Center about 3:30 p.m., KGO reporter Dan Noyes wrote in a social media post.
When she returned to the vehicle, she found a window broken and several items stolen, including the laptop.

I hope she wrote George Soros a thank-you letter.


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