Latest is that there is a tentative rail worker agreement where the Gov basically forced all the rail lines to pay workers 24% more over the next 4 years in 6% annual increments. Note that there is nothing yet that says this is signed, sealed and delivered.

Now we wait to see if this comes to pass, along with the related percentage increase in rail transport mile/ Cost to go up to the sky. Of course, this is not mentioned anywhere, it is all “free” money to the cabal in charge.

So the image above remains on what might yet be, seeing fuel costs for diesel are still astronomical. How many of you recall the days long gone, say 5 years ago, when diesel cost less than regular gasoline per gallon? Yeah, been a while and of course it is .Gov that is responsible for the shift to ultra low sulfur with added taxes causing the price to jump. Not to mention the increase in cost to fleet operators that are being forced to use newer equipment to meet ( that ol’ .Gov again) lower emission and higher mileage standards (latter which are not possible under present laws of physics).

Just keep all this in mind every time you go to the store and watch the weekly staple food prices escalate.

50 days to go unless you are in a blue state where mail in voting for everyone is already in operation (and it is an “operation” – have no doubt). Gonna be ugly.

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By Terrapod

Born in small country in S. America, U.S. citizen since '85, EE, Marketing, Sales, Shade Tree Mechanic, collector of things interesting including good friends from all walks, especially those that partake single malts.

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