Editors Note: Just for grins and giggles, every place the article had the word “Democracy“, it was replaced with “Democrat party” Go see if this does not make more sense with this one tweak These folks are truly delusional. QED

Biden Adviser: ‘MAGA Republicans’ Would ‘Disrupt Our Democrat party,’ ‘Destroy’ the USA

By Susan REDACTED | September 26, 2022 | 5:25am EDT

[Biden Picture removed]

President Joe Biden slams “;MAGA Republicans”; while speakig to the Democratic National Committee in Rockville, Maryland, on August 25, 2022.

(Photo by OLIVIER
[Picture removed]
DOULIERY/AFP via Getty Images)

(CNSNews.com) – President Biden was the first to slam “MAGA Republicans” as “extremists,” and members of his administration are following suit.
On Sunday, Keisha Lance Bottoms, one of Biden’s senior advisers, was asked if members of the Biden administration will “keep hammering away at that phrase” — MAGA Republicans — between now and the November election:

“Well, I think it will be important for all of us who care about the United States of America to call out what we see,” Bottoms told MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart:

“And what we see, again, with this MAGA Republican agenda, is an effort to disrupt our democrat party. So, whether it be through November and beyond November, I think it will always be important to call out any effort there is to destroy — essentially, destroy the United States of America.

“President Biden has been very clear, he wants to work in a bipartisan effort. He has worked in a bipartisan effort. He’s been able to get things done on behalf of our country.

“But when you have a MAGA Republican agenda that has no respect for the Constitution, that has no respect for free and fair elections, then it is important for all of us, not just the president, not just me, for all of us to call it out for what it is. It is a danger to our democrat party, it is a danger to our way of life.”
Bottoms criticized the Republicans’ recently announced “Commitment to America” as being “very thin on details” and “very dangerous.”

As announced last week by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, the plan is aimed at fighting inflation, lowering the cost of living, making the country energy independent, reducing gas prices, strengthening the supply chain, and reducing dependence on China. It also aims to defend the country’s national security, reduce crime, protect public safety, secure the border and combat illegal immigration.
Bottoms told MSNBC, “If this is a plan that is a preview to what we should expect, should MAGA Republicans control Congress in November, then I think that we should all be concerned.”

“There was no details, no mention of national abortion bans, no mention of free and fair elections, no mention of January 6th,” she added.

“If you care about climate change, if you care about the Affordable Care Act, if you care about women having the right to choose as to what happens to their bodies, if you care about doctors and nurses not being put in jail for providing assistance to women who may be experiencing miscarriages, then I think that people have to give ample consideration as to who represents and who has put policy in place to support those values.

“And what I would say is this election is a very important election, not just for Democrats, but also for Republicans, also for Independents, and anyone who cares about the United States of America. There is a MAGA Republican agenda that gives no consideration to the rule of law, that has no respect for a woman’s right to choose, that wants to defund the FBI.

“There is a MAGA Republican agenda that thought that it was okay to attack our nation’s Capitol on January 6th. I think people will think of all of these things when they go to the ballot box, no matter what their party affiliation is. And I think that they will vote accordingly.”

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By Terrapod

Born in small country in S. America, U.S. citizen since '85, EE, Marketing, Sales, Shade Tree Mechanic, collector of things interesting including good friends from all walks, especially those that partake single malts.

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