Good morning from my office perched between two stadiums in Seattle. It is 0400 and I just spent the better part of my evening wringing my hands over the idea that I might have just lost four months worth of coding because of some “bad” update foisted upon the world using Microshaft products wound up taking the whole shebang down.

Right around 1500 hours yesterday, I suddenly lost ALL of my data across ALL of my computers. Why? Because CrowdStrike, a Microshaft vendor, issued an update to all Windows Hosts that invariably took down the entire show. If you are like me, and store all of your computer data “in the cloud”, you may have found that suddenly, you couldn’t access anything stored on OneDrive.

If you have Windows 10, this may not have been an issue for you, but if you have Windows 11, then your data is most likely being stored on OneDrive and not actually on your computer. This is set by default on all Windows machines.

But I’ve been storing my data on OneDrive for a few years now. It allows me to jump on any PC in the world and have my own personal desktop and files available as if it were my personal computer. It’s really handy for those of us who work in more than one location.

This works GREAT, if everything is up and running, and some twizzlestick at CrowdSource hadn’t uploaded an ‘update’ that ended up in taking everything down. Then you are stuck with a computer with no data. Like having a fully-fueled race car and no track to run it on.

Here are all the “hair-on-fire” headlines from this morning:

Hopefully it is all back up and running today. I’ve got work to do…

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By I'm THAT Guy

"Well, ya gotta have someone to yell at"

2 thoughts on “The Giant BSOD”
  1. And so it begins. Today, the White House announced that Biden has COVID – AGAIN. I predict that this will “develop” into “something more serious” that will give him an excuse to drop out.

    How many shots has he had?

    1. Well, he HAD to find some excuse, didn’t he?

      He’s going to drop out – he really has no other choice. The question is whether he is going to try an ‘save face’ first.

      I say that because nobody — and I mean nobody — likes to be seen as someone who is losing his mind by most of the actual world population. It might be different if it were you or I and we were only dealing with our close friends and family, but for someone on the “world stage” like Biden is?

      That has to be a rough thing to go through — for anyone.

      But frankly, Biden has no other choice but to drop out. Whether he is on his way to becoming a mental summer squash or not, the “damage is done” and there is ZERO chance of him pulling out of it.

      It will be interesting to see who they pick. I suspect that they will go with Kamala Harris, but if they do, Joe has to not only drop out, he has to resign and hand the presidency off to her so she can run as an incumbent. But I don’t think that even that will help her…

      I’ve been hearing some other names thrown out there. Of course, Michelle Obama’s name is always tossed out there — because she could beat Trump in a landslide. But there is zero chance of her running — because she has been VERY adamant about NOT running — mainly because she doesn’t feel she has anything to prove. (Remember, I’ve always said a person has to be clinically stupid actually WANT the job of POTUS)

      Gavin Newsom? Who?

      hell, I can’t even think of another Democratic candidate right now.

      To be honest, I’ve just stopped caring. I’m going to be dead and gone soon enough, there just isn’t enough time left in the day to waste it on worrying about stuff I have no control over.

      Long Live Trump.

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