Well, good morning from my office perched between the two stadiums in Seattle. It is about 0600 and it’s the quiet part of the day — before you humans wake up and ruin it for me.

My office doesn’t have windows, so every now and then I have to come outside and see what’s going on. Normally, I just go up on the roof — because the humans can’t follow me up there — but the pool deck doesn’t open until 0700, so the lack of humans before that time is appealing to me.

Looks peaceful, doesn’t it? In less than an hour, there will be people in the spa, kids in the pool, and people adding to their chances of getting skin cancer as they sun themselves.

And people will pay $300 minimum a night for the privilege. Some will pay as much as $1500 a night or more on major event days.

Not this guy.

What’s in the news today?

Do you care? I mean, really, do you really give a flying fuck any more? The shit’s going to go on around us whether we care or not — and I am rapidly coming to the point of not really giving a shit any more.

The polls that ask whether this country is heading in the right direction? I don’t think that anyone can say we are heading in the right place — regardless of which direction we head off in. There are no good directions to head towards — they are all fraught with destruction.

I suppose that for me, the ‘right direction’ would be to shit-can at least one or more of the political candidates for POTUS and at least replace one if not both of them with people who are not on the edge of senility. And yes, BOTH of them are just a few months away from finger painting with their dookie.

Joe Biden will probably be the one who drops out. Probably sometime next week. It was never going to happen this week, with NATO in town, and there is almost a ZERO chance that Joe Biden could ever recover from the perception of being mentally incapacitated. It doesn’t matter if he isn’t incapacitated, the perception is now out there, and he’s past the point of no return. His major donors are now holding up funds, so I give him a week before he gives us his “LBJ” speech. If he were really sharp, he’d resign to give Kamala Harris the added boost of running as an ‘incumbent’.

Frankly, if Joe Biden is going to drop out, then the Democrats should not just go with Kamala Harris. They should find the candidate that is going to WIN — whoever that is. (or IF there is a person…)

Trump is no sharp tack either. He’s just a couple of years behind Joe Biden, but I think that he’s about as ‘challenged’ as Joe is, if not more. Also, dementia and Alzheimer’s is a genetic disease that runs in Trump’s family. And the Don is exhibiting features of regression now. Let him riff for a few minutes and it becomes pretty clear — he ain’t sewed together tight enough either.

The legal term is ‘dismissed with prejudice’, meaning that the error the prosecution created has caused the case to be dismissed and cannot be opened up again.

The error? Apparently, the prosecution violated the discovery process by withholding critical mitigating evidence

I’m going to close here with a few memes. I have work to do and only a few hours to do it in. I’ve got to catch the ChatGPT before it begins to hallucinate.

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By I'm THAT Guy

"Well, ya gotta have someone to yell at"

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