It is a bit after eight o’clock in the morning in West Seattle, and I’ve been up since around three in the morning, and I am just about ready to take a nap. I have no plans for the next two days — the other half is gone for the next five days and I have my entire life to myself. If it wasn’t for the cat, I would have no responsibilities for the next 48 hours.

So if I want to laze around doing absolutely nothing except breathing, then I don’t have to worry about something being pressed into labor.

I have news, memes, and videos that grabbed my attention this morning. Don’t shoot the messenger, I’m just tossing up the stuff that caught my attention. So in no particular order…

Wait. Did someone expect Mongolia to Arrest Putin?

After Putin dodges arrest in Mongolia, the Kremlin says no one can hold Russia back

A Mongolian government spokesperson told news site Politico on Tuesday that the country’s energy dependence on Russia put it in a difficult position when it comes to its relationship with Moscow.

“Mongolia imports 95% of its petroleum products and over 20% of electricity from our immediate neighborhood, which have previously suffered interruption for technical reasons. This supply is critical to ensure our existence and that of our people,” the spokesperson said.

Yes, Putin has an arrest warrant out from the ICC. Mongolia is an ICC member, and therefore is legally obligated to honor all arrest warrants. That’s the legal, fantasy side of this.

On the practical side of this, anchored firmly in the real world, Mongolia is not equipped to carry out such an action against a super-power leader who has shown no respect for the law or even sovereignty other than his own. Can you imagine the immediate pain Russia could put on Mongolia if they were to have honored the warrant to arrest, detain, and turn over to the ICC?

The US isn’t a member of the ICC nor do we recognize their authority either. If we were, and we did, our previous six presidents would probably have found themselves in court.

Netanyahu between a rock and a hard spot, chooses himself over Israel.

What is the Philadelphi corridor, and why is it so important to Israel?

Netanyahu is more concerned about his political future than he is in getting any of the hostages back. He can’t end this war — if he did, the Right wing of his government would resign, leaving him without a government and out of power within hours. If elections were held today, he’d lose in a landslide, and he knows it.

Basically, he’s toast no matter what he does.

From the “When in Rome, Follow the Laws” Department

Watch out for the Americans cheering Brazil’s war on free speech and Elon Musk Op-Ed

Just because Elon Musk is one of the richest clowns in the world doesn’t give him the rights to ignore the laws of other nations that he operates in. If Brazil has decided that certain information and or activities is not allowed to its’ citizens within its borders, then you have to follow those rules if you operate inside those borders. Or expect adverse consequences. Brazil has this rule that if you operate within the borders of Brazil, then you must have a registered agent of your company or organization physically reside in Brazil at all times. Apparently, the US, and many other countries have similar laws.

Both Starlink and Xitter are required to be licensed to do business inside Brazil. Part of retaining that license is to have a representative from both companies residing in Brazil. Brazil needs an actual human they can go to if there are issues. And apparently, there are some issues.

Elon Musk doesn’t want to follow Brazil’s laws. He has refused to shut down access to Xitter in Brazil on Starlink. Apparently, the Starlink board thought otherwise and will comply with the laws of Brazil and shut down access until Musk gets his head out of his ass. So it might be a bit of a wait…

Shifting Gears…

Shifting gears in an Alfa Romeo Truck

The All-American Gun Slinger

Recess when I was a kid…

Rehashing Old Promises

Trump claims he’ll declassify all of the JFK-related assassination records if he’s reelected.

The constant drip of records flies into the face of the spirit of the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992. The law, which Congress passed unanimously, required that all assassination-related records be publicly disclosed by October 26, 2017. Under the law, only a president can certify a limited number of national security concerns that would justify postponing the public availability of a document. Multiple presidents have since used that power to delay releasing documents.

I think that every president since Johnson has made this promise, only to change their mind because the CIA and FBI talked them out of it. Of course, this only increased the interest of people who would have ordinarily lost interest fifty years ago. WHY don’t they want the WHOLE story of a landmark event that happened almost sixty-one years ago out? What is there left to hide? Virtually all of the players of that time are long dead and gone.

Who was the better liar?

Does it matter who was ‘better’ at lying? The fact that they were lying at all should be enough. But as far as who was BETTER at it?

Probably Bill Clinton. Because Trump is too OBVIOUS in his lies.

Consequences of touching “the third rail”.

Republicans fret over Trump’s freefall among women

Republicans are alarmed that former President Trump’s support among women is deteriorating in the polls and that his efforts to stop the bleeding don’t appear to be working.

“Why does it hurt every time I smack myself in the balls with this mallot?”

Doing away with Roe v. Wade has been on the Republican platform for fifty-plus years now. “Vote for us and we will do away with abortions!”

“We promise.” Republicans have raised billions of dollars on this issue over the past fifty years.

But doing away with abortion wasn’t popular with well over half the country — many of them Republican women. Publicly, Republicans might have been vocal “Pro-Lifers”, but privately, in their bedrooms and doctors offices, and more importantly, at the ballot box, they were against doing away with the ability to get an abortion if they found a need to.

Along comes Donald Trump, and decides he’s going to appoint three associate justices to the Supreme Court explicitly for the purpose of doing away with Roe v. Wade, thereby giving them everything they’ve been seeking for fifty years.

Now Republicans are wondering why they might lose? They touched that “Third Rail”.

This seems like an exercise in futility.

US charges Hamas leader, other militants in connection with Oct. 7 massacre in Israel

Stunt? Political theater? First off, I do not see where there is any legal standing. The “crime” occurred as an act of war, in another sovereign nation. The only tangible connection is that this is being done in the name of an American victim of a war.

Besides, who is going to ‘arrest’ these perpetrators and bind them over to the United States for a trial? They’d be dead and stinking long before that were ever to happen.

Who designed these buildings?

Who changes the filters? Or does annual service? There should be access from INSIDE the building. I hope they pay these guys WELL.

Japanese Prison Food

Low calories, healthy, and cheap.

Not in a billion years would you catch me doing this

Kilian Jornet on a ridge in the Grandes Jorasses (France), during his attempt to climb all the 13k+ feet peaks of the Alps in record time

See all those cracks and fissures? It would be MY luck that I step on one of those and it just slides off …. belooooooooooowwwwwwww. Thirteen THOUSAND feet is a long ways to go down…

And finally, some remaining memes.

I just asked the new AI here to provide me a picture of a sunny day in West Seattle. Not bad.

Okay. That’s enough stupidity for one day…

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By I'm THAT Guy

"Well, ya gotta have someone to yell at"


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