Good morning from my Hunker-Bunker overlooking the Puget Sound from West Seattle. My pill caddy informs me that it is a Thursday, and that I hope I didn’t accidentally skip a day and it is really Friday morning and I am not where I am supposed to be…

Good thing I have my Echo dot to tell me what’s what.

Yes, this is really my yard sign. I had it made at Fastsigns yesterday as a joke, and the manager liked it so much that he gave it to me for free. I wonder how long it is going to last out front before someone decides they want it more than I do.

I give it about three days.

I see the attacks against Tim Walz have started. As you would expect with MAGA, they are really kind of WEIRD. Like JD Vance attacking Tim Walz 24 years of service with the National Guard because he retired a month or two before getting word that his unit was being called up for active duty in Iraq.

“Stolen Valor” is how Vance is couching it. Vance, who spent all of six months in an air conditioned office writing press releases in Baghdad during his stint “in country”.

Oh, and then there is the DUI that Walz received…

Let’s bar anyone with a conviction from running for federal office. You would have NO argument against it from me. If a DUI is a dealbreaker from running for office, a large number of congresscritters would be out of a job right now. It’s weird that a felony conviction can bar you from working as say, a bus driver or a truck driver, but you can become president.

Hey, you know what they say: the lack of evidence isn’t evidence there wasn’t a crime committed. Who has said that? JD Vance, of course.

This seems more insidious than the “DEI Hire” routine:

This is probably not real, but funny nonetheless:

Even if it isn’t real, it does pretty much encapsulate the views of the Right.

Speaking of things not necessarily real:

No day is complete without a word from Pete:

That’s it for the presidential politics. Here are some balloons:

Great Britain doesn’t have a gun problem:

I didn’t realize there were so many Millennials in 43 BCE…

Be afraid, be very afraid

This would be impossible:

There is no way in hell that someone could go 90 mph on this stretch of I-5 in Seattle.

I wonder if she is actually hitting anything:

The new brave world we live in…

Here is the result of your American dollars at work:

So much truth here:

Okay. That will be it for today.

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By I'm THAT Guy

"Well, ya gotta have someone to yell at"


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