Turnin’, turnin’ love keeps a-burnin’
Like a fire in my heart
When we’re apart, but when we’re back together
You keep changin’ like the weather
Whoops! Now up and down like a yo-yo
Just like a yo-yo…

I see we are back …. UP.

For some reason, this site has been dropping in and dropping out at least once or twice a day. WordPress sends me a message when the site goes up and down.

Prompting, of course, this blast from my past days as a radio disk jockey on a top-40 station:

Yo-Yo The Osmonds – 1971

What, did you think this was one of those “safe spaces”? 😀

I post ear-worm music all of the time. I am not above posting bubble-gum pop, so don’t complain. I do have a remastered copy of Yummy Yummy Yummy that I have no problem sharing here.

It’s Noon-twenty in my Hunker-Bunker overlooking the Puget Sound from the cliffs of West Seattle, and I’ve just spent most of the morning coding. I am publishing the latest beta and am taking a bit of a break to yammer on here for a few moments.


I’m not allowed to post on FaceCrack until Tuesday of next week for a meme I posted on FaceCrack in 2020. Here is the Offending Meme:

Now THAT’s weird, if you ask me. Apparently, their AI saw children and nudity, and thought it was worthy of suspension. Of course I demanded a review and a couple of hours later I’ve been fully exonerated, and restored to my former depravity.

The squeaky wheel gets the grease… and I can squeak.

‘Weird’ is still the name of the game at the moment. Democrats seem to have found that “thing” that seems to hit Donald Trump and his campaign, where other “things” have failed. They’ve tried Trump is a criminal/felon/rapist/dangerous/ [Fill in blank] and nothing has really resonated or stuck until it was pointed out that Donald Trump and JD Vance are … WEIRD.

But so are everyone else in the public eye. Politicians by definition are pretty damn weird to begin with. “Weird” is their base. Add a level of crazy to it…

Yup. It’s still weird with an extra dollop of goofy thrown in. I swear to Gulliver that the average maturity level of some of these candidates are about the third-grade level.

FUN FACT: The television commercials are produced for the fifth-grade level of comprehension, which should give you an idea the type of voters we are talking about here.

So here are some more weird memes for you:

Well, apparently Pete isn’t “childless”.

Oh wait. I think I have another…

Now this is kind of strange…

There are some people complaining that the 2024 Summer Olympics are “Too Woke” and they don’t show enough women in bathing suits. They want the Olympics to go back to what it was before all the “wokeness” ruined it. So here ya go, back to what the Olympics really were all about:

Speaking of the 2024 Summer Olympics,

Christians who see conspiracies against them at every turn have latched onto another ‘outrageous’ and ‘sacrilegious’ attack on their faith yet:

Transexuals mocking Leonardo DiCaprio’s Last Super of Jesus.

That was the first headline I read before they changed the obvious error, but you get the gist. Some people always have to have something to complain about.

Leonardo DaVinci’s Last Supper of Jesus Christ is not a religious icon. There is nothing ‘holy’ about it. It was painted by a ‘heretic’ of the Church of Romans, so the idea that to ‘mock’ the artistry as being an ‘attack on Christians’ is a farce.

I can’t help but notice that this famous painting has been ‘mocked’ every which way from Sunday, and nobody has complained as much as they seem to be when Trans-queer people are involved. Here is the original:

Here is the “offending” thing:

Hey, don’t look at me for an explanation. I’m just as confused about it as you are. The difference is that I don’t care one way or the other. There’s a lot going on there and not one bit of it interests me.

One man’s garbage is another man’s treasure.

Here are some more mockeries:

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By I'm THAT Guy

"Well, ya gotta have someone to yell at"


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