Good morning from my office perched betwixt the two stadiums in Seattle. It is Sunday morning, and all things are quiet for the moment.

I was having hopes of slipping out of here in the next couple of hours, but I notice the engineering department is empty this morning and nobody has called in. I may have to actually get my hands dirty, hob-knobbing with the guests having issues

A new day, a new JD Vance story. This one involves searching “woman”+”dolphin”. I haven’t looked it up, because there are some things in life that you are probably better off not knowing about — and I’m thinking this may be one of those things.

I wonder how involved Donald Trump was with the process of choosing his Vice President. I’m guessing not all that much. I think he relied on Peter Theil to find the perfect Ying to Trump’s Yang going up against Joe Biden — and they picked JD Vance. Then Joe dropped out leaving Trump holding the JD Vance ‘bag’.

The focus of the Trump campaign was to double- and triple-down on attacking Joe Biden’s age and cognitive decline. They could afford to have a VP pick with a social media paper trial. Apparently, that social media paper trail has some funny little ‘gems’.

I find the JD Vance ‘attacks’ to be worthy of a chuckle or two. But not enough to sustain a light-hearted ‘guffaw’. But I’m sure that they aren’t being received too well by Donald Trump. There are lots of rumors out there saying that Trump will probably replace Vance by the end of next week

Too bad it couldn’t be the other way around, where Trump leaves and JD Vance takes his place. I don’t agree with him on much, but if he were to win, I could still sleep at night.

I don’t dislike Trump because of his policies, it has always been because of his corruption and vulgarity.

And speaking of the big galoot…

I guess Trump’s ear is healed now. I’m still thinking that he didn’t get hit by a bullet, but instead some shrapnel that the bullet struck. But hey, if it sounds better to say he got “shot”, then go for it.

I don’t know why, but every now and then, this Frank Zappa song pops into my head, and it will hang out there for about a week, until the next one pops in.

Jewish Princess – Frank Zappa, Sheik Yer Booti Album.

I want a nasty little Jewish Princess
With long phony nails and a hairdo that rinses
A horny little Jewish Princess
With a garlic aroma that could level Tacoma
Lonely inside
Well, she can swallow my pride

I want a hairy little Jewish Princess
With a brand new nose, who knows where it goes
I want a steamy little Jewish Princess
With over-worked gums, who squeaks when she cums
I don’t want no troll
I just want a Yemenite hole

I want a darling little Jewish Princess
Who don’t know shit about cooking and is arrogant looking
A vicious little Jewish Princess
To specifically happen with a pee-pee that’s snapping
All up inside
I just want a princess to ride
Alright, back to the top… everybody twist!

I want a funky little Jewish Princess
A grinder; a bumper, with a pre-moistened dumper
A brazen little Jewish Princess
With titanic tits, and sand blasted zits
She can even be poor
So long as she does it with four on the floor

I want a dainty little Jewish Princess
With a couple of sisters who can raise a few blisters
A fragile little Jewish Princess
With Romanian thighs, who weasels ‘n’ lies
For two or three nights
Won’t someone send me a princess who bites
Won’t someone send me a princess who bites
Won’t someone send me a princess who bites
Won’t someone send me a princess who bites


My Jewish Princess is a queen though…

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By I'm THAT Guy

"Well, ya gotta have someone to yell at"

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July 29, 2024 16:40

What is the difference between the J6 “rioters” and the pro-Hamas, antisemitic, anti-Israel mob that burned the American flag and raised the Palestinian flag by Congress, while also committing multiple acts of violence and destruction to property in DC? Will Nancy Pelosi commission a commission to investigate? Will Merrick Garland, the DOJ and the FBI arrest anyone who participated in this violence?

Of course not. Because beating Jews is legal for Democrats, as is rioting.


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