…I’m just beginning to see
Now I’m on my way
It doesn’t matter to me
Chasing the clouds away…

Good afternoon, people. Yes, I know. I haven’t been here to tickle your fancy for the past couple of days. In case it hadn’t occurred to you, but I’ve got other irons in the fire, and a whole lotta cattle to brand. Sometimes life doesn’t provide the time and/or opportunity to write to all my imaginary friends.

I wish some of of my friends were imaginary, but I digress…

So what have I been doing instead of providing you with free entertainment as you watch a guy devolve before your eyes? Well, I’ve been coding. Five steps forward, four or five steps backwards. Rinse. Repeat. That’s what it’s like working with an AI model. My main hang-up right now is authentication. I need to lock this shit down, before I press it into use. I also have a deadline I need to meet. We are coming up on the major renovation of Broadway in a couple of months and I need this thing running down the track.

Let’s see, what’s in the news today…

Well, we’ve got the newest member of the Political Felon’s Club. Of course, he still insists that he’s innocent, and that the trial was “rigged” and that if a jury could find him guilty, then they could find any one of us guilty of committing the same crime.

This wasn’t the first time this idiot stick found himself in legal jeopardy. I guess since he managed to beat the charges the first time around he thought he had a free pass to continue down the path of fraud and corruption. The good news is that he finally got some accountability.

JD Vance as VP?

He’s an ambitious fuck, I’ll give him that. It wasn’t all that long ago that he was vehemently against Donald Trump. Vance did no have one nice thing to say about him, and a whole lot of bad things. But dangle the idea of a Vice Presidency in front of the man, and he will give us all whiplash in how fast he can pull a 180° turn around.

But hey. If Trump were to drop out now, paving the road for JD Vance to schlep onto the top slot, then he’d be all but guaranteed a landslide to match Ronald Reagan’s.

The long and short of it is, JD Vance is Donald Trump without the vulgarity and baggage. Heck, I could even vote for him…

Well, I’ve got work to do…

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By I'm THAT Guy

"Well, ya gotta have someone to yell at"


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