Good morning from my office perched between two stadiums in Seattle.  It’s an early,  44° F partly dark and cloudy morning with a forecast of scattered light by 0600, with no rain and a high of about 60° F.  We are about to tear up our $22 million parking lot we bought last year, compact, repave, and restripe it.  We just installed a $14,000 fence and gate and will be ready to handle large tour buses and other large vehicles.  Perfect for bands and other shows, and we are already booked for bands like The Rolling Stones et al this summer.

I’ve made a lot of progress on my SQL-Server project.  Learning it from scratch with the aid of Chat GPT has been slow, and it doesn’t help that I am constantly called away from the project for a day or two at a time, and it takes about a day just to re-learn what I just forgot.

I plan on taking four days this week and staying home in my Hunker-Bunker so I can devote 100 percent of my uninterrupted time to work on this.  But then the wife unit has to chime in and remind me I have to be up in North Vancouver, British Columbia at the end of the week to sell our condo.  (Yes, we are pulling up stakes altogether and moving completely out of Canada)

Let’s just say that Canookistan has gotten to be a dump over the past ten years…

Time for the News…

Headlines That Caught My Eye This Morning

Item 1:  Trump “hush money” trial opening statements set for today

The jury will be sworn in this morning, and both sides will give their opening statements.  Then, the prosecution will begin to present their case against Donald John Trump by calling their first witness.

The prosecution is refusing to say who the first witness will be, because they don’t want Donald Trump to blast out his bullshit against the witness prior to the testimony.  Granted, if he does, he will probably end up in a holding cell for a ‘time out’, but by then the damage is done, and the witness would have to go into hiding until the shit dies down.

I suspect that the first witness will be Stormy Daniels.  After all, the story begins and ends with her.  Michael Cohen will figure large in this case, since he was Trump’s “Fixer” throughout all of this.

No doubt that Trump will try to paint Michael Cohen as a ‘liar’ and can’t be trusted because he is a convicted felon, but let’s not forget that the ONLY reason Michael Cohen was convicted of a crime was because he was committing the crime under the direction of his client — one Donald John Trump.  And the only reason Trump didn’t end up convicted and in prison with Cohen was because he was a sitting POTUS at the time.

I felt that it was very important to point this out.

Item 2:  Election interest hits new low in tight Biden-Trump race

Gee, does anyone wonder why?

We have two of the most unworthy men on the planet running for president, and there is no viable third-party choice.  The ONLY hope we have is if either or both Biden and Trump were to die or go to prison before the election, and we can quickly pull two substitute candidates to take their place.

How about a UFO abduction?

Item 3:  Police storm Yale University’s campus with riot gear as hundreds of students stage anti-Israel protest

Anyone else have flashbacks to 1968?

Item 4:  Company Bosses Draw a Red Line on Office Activists

I know that I would fire anyone here who engaged in some kind of ‘activism’.  There is a time and place for everything.  Your place of employment is not one of those places.

Item 5:  Israel’s Military Spy Chief Quits, First to Shoulder Blame for Hamas Attack

Did he “quit”, or was it ‘suggested’ that he resign?  Either way, he had to go.  So does Benjamin Netanyahu.  He presided over the failure to prevent the attack.

Item 6:  NY Home Depot hires guards, dogs to keep parking lot safe from thieves, aggressive migrants

I go to Home Despot all the time.  It is one of my least favorite stores, but absolutely crucial to keep shit running.

Every Home Despot has it’s crew of migrant workers lounging outside in the parking lot.  I’ve hired a few of them to work around my Hunker-Bunker from time-to-time.  I have never seen more hard-working people than these migrants.  They ARE doing the jobs that Americans won’t do — because I don’t see any white guys out there in the lot humping their ass for work, and frankly, I wouldn’t hire them if they were out there.  I would no doubt get a “Chad” or some other manbun-wearing bro who would spend all of his time complaining.


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What In The Hell Did I Just Watch?

Bill Engvall: Here’s Your Sign, It’s Finally Time My Last Show – Prime

Recommended Podcasts for Today

The Daily Blast – The New Republic

The Daily – The New York Times

The Journal – The Wall Street Journal

Post Reports – The Washington Post

Global News Podcast – BBC News

Memes From the Meme Box










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By I'm THAT Guy

"Well, ya gotta have someone to yell at"


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