It is a Wednesday in the Realm and the inmates are still running the asylum here.  The following are the headlines that caught my eye this morning:

  1. Thousands of US health care workers go on strike in multiple states over wages and staff shortages
  2. Speaker McCarthy ousted in historic House vote, as scramble begins for a Republican leader
  3. Trump Ordered To Shut Up Or Face 30 Days Behind Bars
  4. Fulton prosecutors float plea deals to Trump defendants

Now I’ll comment on the headlines, without ever reading the story attached to them.  Let’s see how I get it wrong…

  1. This was only a matter of time.  Over worked and underpaid.  These people have worked their asses off over the past three years and many of them have left the profession through burnout and stagnant pay.
  2. “Republican Leader” is an oxymoron these days.  Leader of what, this clown show that used to be known as the Republican Party before the MAGIDIOTS took it over?  The Republican Party has been broken for almost twenty years now.  During that time, it has proven over and over again to be the Party of Grievance, unable to govern themselves, let alone govern the nation.
  3. The Trump Gag Order.  Raise your hands if you think Donald Trump is even capable of keeping his mouth shut in the face of his legal jeopardy.  If he does, it will be the greatest feat he’s ever accomplished.  The problem is, he just cannot help himself.  He will blow up online and/or in public, and he will end up cooling his ass in a jail cell.  If not this case, then one of the other four criminal cases against him.  He has the right to remain silent, he just refuses to exercise that right and it WILL end up  fucking him hard in the end.
  4. The Prosecutor’s Wedge.  It was bound to happen:  the prosecutor offering most of Trump’s codefendants a plea deal in exchange for testimony against Trump himself.  This is standard practice of every prosecutor involving cases with multiple defendants.    They tend to use this wedge in drug and conspiracy cases.  During the “Weed and Seed” program in the 1980s and 1990s they would offer deals like “give us three, we’ll set you free”.  Since there is no real honor amongst criminals, they almost always will jump on a deal that will either cut their penalty substantially, or get the charges dropped to misdemeanors in exchange for their testimony under oath.  I’m pretty sure that most of the defendants in the Fulton County case don’t want to serve time behind bars for Donald J. Trump’s vanity and they will JUMP at the deal.  Mark Meadows is probably one of those.

Here’s a song for you today:

Here’s a streaming suggestion:

The Morning Show

Ivermectina en España sin receta>

, Apple TV

And a funny meme;

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By I'm THAT Guy

"Well, ya gotta have someone to yell at"

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October 5, 2023 06:58

1 Spot on

2 You are not wrong

3 Trump shut up?  Go on, pull the other finger.

4 SOP, but if they lie on the stand and it comes out in discovery, a lot of egg will hit the  prosecution.

Pop corn futures are trending up/

October 5, 2023 19:31

Three years ago, Joe Biden vowed that, if elected, he’d never erect a single new section of border wall between the United States and Mexico. Now, President Biden has rethought that, due to an “acute” need to keep illegal immigration at bay. The AP reports the commander in chief has waived 26 federal laws—including the Clean Air Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, and Endangered Species Act—to clear the way for up to 20 miles of new wall construction in the Lone Star State, a first for the Biden administration.

I guess the election is coming closer.


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