No more music on this site.  The server here can barely serve up a text page, let alone a jukebox.    Misha either needs to find a new server host or just let this thing go.  In the meantime

, I will post headlines and a funny video until this thing collapses.

Headlines for Tuesday, September 19, 2023

A Funny Video:

How low can you go?


This is an OPEN THREAD

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By I'm THAT Guy

"Well, ya gotta have someone to yell at"

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September 6, 2023 07:45

DJ and all t he rest that still hang around here.  A request for a pet project I have been thinking of for many years. May have mentioned it once before, but here goes.

Post a list of every song that relates to cars/driving/on the road experiences.  For example, two of my favorites are Radar Love by Golden Earring and Going Mobile by the Who. Others – Baby You Can Drive My Car – Beatles, Eagles Take it Easy etc..  There are countless more in every genre, rock, country, blues, even comedic such as the Little Nash Rambler   or the guy that built a multi year Cadillac etc. – might have been Johnny Cash, my memory is not what it used to be.

I am planning a long road trip and think it would be fun to have the compilation on the MP3 player and hope that others would enjoy it too.   Don’t need the actual links to music though that would be a bonus, just a list of song names that I can build from.

Smile a lot, makes everyone wonder what shenanigans you are planning. 😉

September 6, 2023 14:39

If not a burden to revive, that would be most interesting

September 10, 2023 06:55

I’ve listened to  lot of music over these past 60 years and still find that there is stuff I have never come across.  Good work DJ.  7, 10,, 11, 16  and 17 were totally new to me.  Maybe some might be west coast local?  Thanks for a fun Sunday morning.

Paddy O'Furniture
Paddy O'Furniture
September 11, 2023 10:37

Check out Band Maid, who I think is the best rock band around these days. Celebrating 10 yrs on, they have a fantastic 100+ song catalog and tons of music vids and live vids. A few favs:

(21) BAND-MAID / FREEDOM (Official Live Video) – YouTube


(21) BAND-MAID / Daydreaming (Official Music Video) – YouTube

(21) BAND-MAID / Blooming (Official Music Video) – YouTube


September 14, 2023 14:01

September 19, 2023 18:23

Nice cartoon, and yeah, RINO uniparty directed effort, nothing will come of it. Then again, we could all be shocked if the D party faction that wants him gone piles on. Pass the popcorn, this whole next year is going to be a clown show.

September 20, 2023 15:31


“I – you might say raised in the synagogues in my state. You think I’m kidding. I’m not,” he claimed.

Biden, on a call with rabbis before the Jewish High Holy Days: “I was, you might say, raised in the synagogues of my state. You think I’m kidding — I’m not”

Don’t forget to fast on Monday, Joe.

September 21, 2023 18:46

Yeah, some of his best friends are Jewish.

But will he examine his personal morality on Yom Kippur?  What personal morality?


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