Thanks to LC, GLOR Readerjp, who points out the following in comments:

Zelensky has banned opposition parties.

Yep, did that a long time ago, way before the war even started. But he and his “government” are the very model of a modern, free, democratic government.

He’s shut down critical media by force.

Indeed. Nobody but official government “media” are allowed to report on anything. Anything at all.

He’s arrested his political opponents. He has sent soldiers into churches.

That too. “Freedom of religion and speech? Nothing we support in the U.S. anymore.”

Zelensky’s secret police have raided monasteries across Ukraine, even a convent full of nuns, and arrested dozens of priests for no justifiable reason whatsoever and in clear violation of the Ukrainian constitution, which apparently no longer matters.

Much like our own, according to the current regime here at home.

And in the face of this, the Biden administration has said nothing.Last week, he announced his plan to ban an entire religion, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church – more than a thousand years old – and to seize its property, all for being insufficiently loyal to his regime. A free country does not ban a major religion.Nor is it permissible in time of war to place soldiers in churches. It’s wrong to arrest dozens of priests. It’s a war crime. And he’s doing it to a Ukrainian church!

We remember more sane times, when we protested Adolf Hitler doing the same to synagogues. We don’t live in those times anymore.

Joe Biden remains silent about all this – of course.

So is the Deep State – and the Uni-Party. The establishment media have fawned over him since Day 1, with Time magazine this week naming him “Person of the Year.”

Here’s Lindsey Graham: “To the Ukrainian people, you can expect the Congress to be there with you in terms of supporting your efforts to maintain your freedom.”

With “freedom” like what dissidents in Ukraine now “enjoy”, who needs fascism?

Here’s Biden’s mouthpiece, Karine Jean-Pierre: “Everything that we can do to be helpful to them as they fight for their freedom [we will do].”

Here’s Sen. Chris Coons, Biden’s shadow: “I think the history of the 21st century turns on how fiercely we defend freedom in Ukraine.”

You know what Big Tech and the U.S. media are like. Ukraine is worse. The Zelensky government bans all opposition voices and parties. Priests are arrested. Is that freedom?

In today’s United States of America, once the bastion of freedom? Yep. “You’re free to say or do whatever we allow you to say or do.”

I admit it: I was fooled by Zelensky and Ukraine

Meanwhile, our Congress just approved another $38 BILLION in aid for Ukraine.

And the Uniparty will keep doing it too.

We’ve said this time and time again, but we’re just a “Putin apologist”, so what do we know?

Idiots all over this once proud nation of ours still believe, thanks to the UniMedia, that this war started in February of 2022. It didn’t. It started in 2014, when the newly installed regime in Ukraine took power after the coup that we created, and immediately decided to commit ethnic cleansing and genocide against ethnic Russians. They’ve been systematically murdering and bombing civilians in the Donbass ever since, bragging about how “Ukrainian children would go to school and play in the parks while Donbass children cowered in basements” (Poroshenko’s words, not ours), giving their Nazi Azov and Aidar “battalions” free reign raping, murdering and torturing anybody who wasn’t “sufficiently Ukrainian” according to their metrics (look into the burning alive of 40 ethnic Russians in Odessa when they sought refuge from the Nazi mobs in a trade union house), executing prisoners of war and so on and so forth.

Outlawing Russian language, teaching of it in schools, outlawing literature, music, poetry made by Russians, the list goes on and on and on and on.

Having their “definitely NOT Nazi” paramilitaries parade around with swastikas, SS divisional insignia, including that of the most notorious of them all, the Dirlewangers, declaring the birthday of a documented Nazi war criminal, Stepan Bandera, a NATIONAL FUCKING HOLIDAY!


Look through the Ukrainian Nazi regime’s statements, diktats and “laws”, substitute the word “Jewish” for “Russian” and tell us, with a straight face, that we’re NOT the baddies for supporting what our grandparents’ generation gave their lives to defeat.

We fucking well dare you.


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By Emperor Misha I

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