Good morning from my office located in Point Ruston. It’s Halloween, and I am here just North of Tacoma overlooking the Puget Sound. I am here implementing the beta version of the app I’ve been working on for the past three months, and I need to train the engineers in how to collect and verify all the assets at this hotel.

This is our newest property, and is considered a ‘destination’ hotel.

But you didn’t come here to see this, did you? No, you wanted to see what kind of bullshit I will be spouting at you today, right? Will I continue on with the comparison of a 1939 American Nazi rally with the MSG Trump Rally meant to be the “closing argument” on his campaign to become President again?

I really hate to disappoint anyone here, but I’ve just spent the better part of a couple of hours searching for non-political crap to post here because I don’t want to hurt anyone’s little feelings today. Ain’t nothing I’m going to say here that is going to sway anyone, so why bother? Whoever wins next week will be the fucknozzle we deserve. My ballot has been in and accepted for a week now. I get a text every step the ballot goes through. The next text will be next Tuesday when I get notified that the ballot was counted.

So I’ve collected a bunch of memes and videos to share with you today. I really did try to keep it as non-political as I could, without taking sides.

Are we ready?

Sending four kinds of messages

Decisions, decisions…

Technically, Kelly said that Trump had fascist tendencies. John Bolton corrected him yesterday saying that Trump wasn’t ‘thoughtful enough’ to be a fascist. I keep hearing the word “dictator” being bandied about, but I don’t think that is accurate either. I think that Trump has an “authoritarian” mindset which he carries over from how he’s handled his “business” for almost sixty years. Because of this, he doesn’t “work well with others”, and doesn’t understand that while there are three branches of government, the most powerful of the three is the Legislative Branch, not the Executive or even the Judicial. The clue that this is true is written in the Constitution. It’s the branch that is closest to We, the Bloody People.

As far as all this noise about there being no record of Harris working at a McDonalds while going to college 40 years ago? Being one of those “estimated 1 in 8 Americans have worked at a McDonald’s restaurant at some point in their lives“, I once worked at a McDonalds in Bellevue back in 1968 for about two weeks. The joint is still there, although it has moved about 100 feet NorthWest from its original spot and has been remodeled at least twice since then. I’d be willing to bet that there is absolutely NO RECORD of me ever working there either. Since most of these stores are ‘franchise stores’, McDonalds corporation would have no record of any employee unless they went through “Burger University” and went on to work for the corporation.

It’s possible that IRS has records of specific places we’ve worked over the years, but I’m sure it’s all archived for records as old as mine.

The point is, why all the controversy about Harris once working for Mickey-D’s? It’s far more believable that she would have worked at a McDonalds than Trump ever working at one. Full disclosure: I didn’t last but five four-hour shifts before I was fired. Some people were never built to work at a McDonalds. I’m one of those people, and so is Trump. Harris? She’s that kind of material.

Okay, a bit more political than I intended…

Every HVAC technician I know

Especially on a Friday afternoon before a three-day weekend. This is why I hire engineers that have at least a basic knowledge of a heat pump or a packaged roof unit and can do basic diagnostics before calling in a tech.

Yes Dear


Dumping Ground: Earth

Not in a million years for all the wealth in the world

When I was a young kid of about twelve, we’d used to build tree fort HIGH into the air in the old growth timber that went for miles behind our houses. fifty, sixty feet into the air, spanning four, maybe five trees. We had an almost never-ending lumber and hardware supply thanks to all the brand new 500-family gated communities with golf courses and country clubs being built up in Bellevue in the early 1960s. Back then, height didn’t bother me — I’d climb trees with 2x4s nailed to the tree going up a hundred feet.

Today, I have troubles climbing a ladder without worrying that I might fall. There is absolutely no way that anyone will ever get me to do any of this:

Notice that he drops the selfie stick…

I have trouble walking down a sidewalk sometimes.

He’s sixty years old! I remember when I was sixty — there was no chance I was ever going to attempt that kind of shit.

All it would take is a gust of wind…

Hiring a Gen-Z Plumber Apprentice

Domestic Morons Abound


When you really hate people

Literally me learning how to code:

If you own a cat

For all the “cat ladies”:

My wife is going back out on tour in the Spring…

Matt Rife is one of my favorite comedians right now

This IS a perfect weekend around here:

If you are ever looking for the perfect place to go, then the Olympic Peninsula is a suggestion for you.

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By I'm THAT Guy

"Well, ya gotta have someone to yell at"

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