So Florida got called within 2 hours of polling stations closing.

As far as we know

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, that’s the first time that’s ever happened. As we recall, especially back in 2016, that one state was the one that we always had to wait for until the early hours of the next morning, but not this year. Total Trump Slide, almost immediately. Remember the nightmare of 2000?

And now we’re expected to believe that it’s still “too close to call”?

You’d have to be a particularly dim naif to even begin to believe that shenanigans are not going on.

Water pipes suddenly bursting, counting suddenly stopped in PA because “reasons”, yeah right.

Believe that and we’ve got quite a few bridges we’d like to sell you.

What we’re seeing is an attempted fascist coup in progress, and heaven help our nation if it succeeds, because then things will get really sporting. Something we never hoped to see in our lifetime, but it is what it is.

Thankfully, we have a president who’s not exactly known for rolling over without a fight, should push come to shove.

Because if it’s coming to that, all we have to say is “bring friends.” It wouldn’t be fun any other way.

That the Democrat National Socialists would be this utter blatant in their attempt to coup their way to a win is amazing

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, they’re not even trying to hide it anymore, but we have a feeling that they won’t like the results in the unlikely event that they “succeed.”


UPDATE (Nothing to see here edition): Thanks to IB Ace

This was right after a thumb drive with 128,000 votes showed up, every single one of which were for Biden, which isn’t suspicious at all, of course.

And in Wisconsin?:

Odd, that looks awfully similar, doesn’t it? Also note how the Magic Bump™ was just enough to bring the blue line above the red one.

But, lest we be accused of being a poor sport, allow us to join others in congratulating the fine citizens of Wisconsin on their roaring enthusiasm for the democratic process.

We mean, 104% turnout! That’s impressive!

And not suspicious at all, of course.

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By Emperor Misha I

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