First of all, though, allow us to apologize for our extreme absence. Life has been very busy for us, and the ever-increasing levels of Stoopid™ out there in the wild (honestly, if alien civilizations were to discover us in this state

, we’re not sure they wouldn’t be justified in deciding to just sterilize the whole planet for Felony Fuckheadedness) have made it nigh impossible for us to engage with it without losing our mind and blowing an aneurysm.

An enormous thank you to those keeping the lights on, in fact we can’t thank you enough.

Regardless, tomorrow is voting day, and that at the very least means getting up off our duff to go vote.

We very much echo LCBren’s sentiment in the post below. What matters is that you go vote your conscience, whatever it may dictate. The only unacceptable option is to not vote. Even His Imperial Majesty who, at the best of times, is just hoping to catch a ride on a passing space ship realizes that. So we’ll get up tomorrow and do our duty.

You do likewise.

Remember: Bitching/gloating rights, no matter the result, only apply for those who vote.

Those who don’t have voluntarily agreed to shutting the fuck up for the next 4 years about the consequences.


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By Emperor Misha I

Ruler of all I survey -- and then some.

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