A Simple Series of Questions
By now you are probably all up to speed on what the Democrat News Services are putting out on the Texas synagogue hostage situation and it's resolution which thankfully did…
By now you are probably all up to speed on what the Democrat News Services are putting out on the Texas synagogue hostage situation and it's resolution which thankfully did…
Many of you know about the World Economic Forum, and have heard about the New World Order. Some of you probably know as much or more as I do about…
Just a cameo, seeing how I am relatively close to Chicongo to not feel entirely safe from mayhem. Hundreds of natives of that city have escaped to my AO and…
As a very long time mechanical tinkerer (no formal education in mechanical engineering) this Christmas season allowed some retrospective analysis of how we evolve and learn by other means than…
"No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible." -Voltaire The ideological framer of what has since become modern Progressivism is considered to be Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a Swiss-born writer and political…
You have probably figured out by now that I find history will teach us many things, if we are inclined to listen. I came across this reference again earlier today,…
The practice of banking is old, and its origins are interesting, because they tell us a lot about why we have the system we have today. This is a knowledgeable…
Samuel Clemens reportedly once said that "History does not repeat itself but it rhymes". Those of us who are students of history are likely to agree with this observation. The…
I have been reading some of the back and forth on the CCPVirus here on the Rottie. I thought I would share what I have learned about the coronavirus and…
To all our friends, met and yet to meet, who are of the tribe, greetings and may you all enjoy time with family during Hanukkah.As most of us have by…
This is fucking (pardon my French) ASININE!A great number of heads in Canberra need to roll after a long ride in a caged tumbril such that citizens can pelt them…
Not sure what is going to happen tomorrow or Wednesday. It could be a total travesty of justice or a sane verdict based on actual facts exposed. The judge seems…
While some of the feces still remain airborne on the downwind side of the democrat's fan, the results of the election cycle of 2021 clearly favored the conservative public. This…
Have any of you noticed that in days past, when a robber baron or extremely wealthy American Tycoon wanted privacy and "time away from the office", they would go to…
Don't know how many (if any) readers exist in VA, but please, please do your civic duty Nov. 2nd and hie thee over to the polling stations in person and…