Sure looks like Putin paid close attention to the U.S. operations to take Kuwait from Saddam Hussein. We are witnessing the same approach with coordinated air attack, ground attack and latest word is Russian paratroopers already hold the main Kiev airport.  War is being blogged in real time by locals on the ground. Welcome to the 21st C.

Don’t know how much of this is purposeful disinformation to depress the defense forces or how much is real. Sure appears to be a full scale invasion.

Also looks like the ‘kranians are on their own. US and EU are just flapping jaw and running horrified in circles.  The west had years to help Ukraine beef up defenses (even without entry to NATO) and did pretty much nil.

My take is that once the shock and awe is done

, and most of the government west facing corruptocrats (hey Hunter and big guy – looking at ya)  have left the country (self removal already under way) , a cease fire will be declared and Putin will dictate whom he wants placed in charge to ensure that Ukraine will never be part of NATO.  He wants his buffer zone (or bugger zone) and that is that.

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By Terrapod

Born in small country in S. America, U.S. citizen since '85, EE, Marketing, Sales, Shade Tree Mechanic, collector of things interesting including good friends from all walks, especially those that partake single malts.

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