1) Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky – think of it as their Michelin guide to destroy the Republic.
2) The New Progressive Dictionary – only it never gets printed as the word meanings change daily
3) Fifty Shades of Penumbra – the definitive guide book for lawyers and justices
4) How to Destroy a Country in 100 Years by Antonio Gramsci – the D how-to book
5) Burning Looting and Mayhem – Beginners Guide by Patrisse Cullors and foreword by William Ayers & Barrack Obama
6) How Green Was My Valley – A guide to California forest management
7) Welfare and Unemployment – How to live on $4000 per month without working
8) The Revolving Door – A how to guide for Journalists, Politicians and Lobbyists
9) The FBI – A history of creative criminal enterprise
10) The NSA – Spying for fun and profit
11) World Hegemony and Useful Elites – By Xi Jinping with foreword by Anthony Fauci
12) Selling my Father – by Hunter Biden
13) Religion and How to Replace It – Joint Authorship – Joseph Stalin & Mao Zedong
14) Spin

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, Twist and Cloud – NYT Editorial Board Cliff Notes
15) Trickle Down Poverty – by B. Sanders


, A.O. Cortez and N. Pelosi
16) Theocracy , Jihad and Nuclear Engineering – by Jimmy Carter
17) How to Paint and Gain Lucre – by H. Biden with back page ramble by The Big Guy
18) A Brief History of Grease and Guns – L. Lightfoot, Chicago Press.
19) Eugenics for Dummies – M. Sanger
20) It’s A Tax – By J Roberts (Fee=License=Tag=Permit= Forced Penalty=TAX )

And in case anyone missed it

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, the current junta plans to “purge” the Library of Congress of seditious and dangerous documents. 

Having done research there in the late 1970’s and spent hours with pad and pencil (pre electronic anything),  any such action involving the removal or destruction of documents would be a supreme crime, right behind the total destruction of the Constitution, also under way.

Of course, they all ignored it when Clinton’s buddy Samuel Berger walked out with documents shoved in his underpants,  nothing is new with these clowns.

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By Terrapod

Born in small country in S. America, U.S. citizen since '85, EE, Marketing, Sales, Shade Tree Mechanic, collector of things interesting including good friends from all walks, especially those that partake single malts.

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