Now they’ve declared that any and all content that as much as alleges that fraud occurred in the election will be banned, and strikes will be accumulated against accounts doing so anyway.

Much like they banned and hit channels with strikes that as much as alleged that Russia “stole the election in ’16” over the past four years. Except they didn’t.

As such, starting today, we will remove new content uploaded on or after December 9, 2020, alleging that widespread fraud or errors changed the outcome of the 2020 US presidential election. [Emphasis in original.] For example, we will remove videos claiming that a presidential candidate won the election due to widespread software glitches or counting errors.

The Enemedia, of course, is having synchronized orgasms over YouTube banning speech with which they don’t agree. “Finally!”

Buy Priligy

, as they squeal (go to link for Ace’s excellent post on the subject).

So we guess that means that the 18 states that have joined Texas’ lawsuit before the SCOTUS

, claiming voter fraud in the election, are now all illegal and banned from YouTube.

Best of luck with that.

You really are asking for it

, you know that?


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