There’s something really odd

, a profound disconnect of sorts, between what the media is sharing and the reality of what the general public is reporting from their own experience.

According to most national media hospitals are overwhelmed with coronavirus patients.

U.S. media claim doctors and nurses are collapsing under the stress and strain of conditions they describe as “war zones” in the battle against COVID-19.

Media are now reporting about nurses and doctors committing suicide as they try to deal with severe PTSD, and psychological trauma, as a result of endless shifts in overcrowded hospitals filled with desperate and dying patients. Additionally, refrigerated trailers now fill with piles of dead bodies as the morgues are overwhelmed with deceased coronavirus patients.


However, there is a disconnect.

I’m not talking a little disconnect; there is a profound and entirely opposite set of reports from nurses, doctors and healthcare workers –in multiple states– who are being laid-off, sent home, told not to come in; and doctors worried of losing their practices because hospitals, and their offices are completely empty.

For every media claim of overwhelmed hospital war-zones, there are a dozen reports from actual workers, nurses, doctors and medical personnel reporting exactly the opposite; and yes, a disparity in reporting even in the New York metropolitan area.

Medical personnel in Wisconsin, Missouri, California, Florida, Colorado, Oregon, Georgia New Jersey, and every region in the USA are reporting there are few to no patients in their facility and the medical staff is being laid-off, or told to go home and/or stay home, because there is nothing to do.

(Do read the whole thing, then read the absolute torrent of corroborating statements from actual people in the healthcare sector.)

It’s funny, because His Imperial Majesty has made the exact same observation. We talk to a lot of medical professionals all over the country, a lot, and, to date, not a single one has said anything that matches the Apocalypse Now scenario, and more than a few have said things that corroborate the second part of CTH’s post. Nothing to do, things slowing down etc.

Yes, we know that the plural of “anecdote” isn’t “data” but we’re talking about a lot of “anecdotes” here, a LOT…

Draw your own conclusions.


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By Emperor Misha I

Ruler of all I survey -- and then some.

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