It was an amusing idea, though, but everybody is taking it waaaaaaaaay too seriously.

It’s not that it’s completely without merit, there certainly are vast amounts of unexploited resources on the island and it’s in quite the strategic location from our point of view. Just one little problem: It ain’t for sale. It’s part of a country, specifically Denmark, and countries don’t just go about selling off their territories like they’re used cars.

At least they don’t over there. It’d be like selling a family member.

We read the official Danish responses too

, and in case they were unclear, let’s paraphrase into colloquial English:

“Thanks for the offer, it’s very flattering, but no, it’s not for sale [insert smiley face]”.

No offense, no biggie, quite amusing.

Doesn’t mean that there aren’t other possibilities. Joint ventures, that sort of thing.

But it ain’t for sale.


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