While some of the feces still remain airborne on the downwind side of the democrat’s fan, the results of the election cycle of 2021 clearly favored the conservative public. This is something of a surprising result. While most of us surely expected a powerful backlash to all the corruption, misdeeds and general dingbattery of the #Shitler administration, some of us are surprised that we were actually allowed to win.

I believe there has been considerable internal debate in NWO circles about current progress toward the goal, after the election theft of 2020. It is my impression that what we saw was the result of a deliberate decision to stand down their national election stealing apparatus, as painful as it may have been for them. Two reasons for this. One, they needed a way to stem the rising tide of comprehension among ordinary Americans that something truly nefarious was going on. If they could point to Republican success in 2021, they reason, then they might be able to convince some folks that election fraud is a non-issue.

The second reason is rooted in the deep asymmetry of this war the elite is waging on the English-speaking peoples. The planning for the NWO is more than a century old. The West’s oldest and wealthiest families have been steering a generations-old course toward global dominance of their cabal, and have been very successful in doing so. I don’t believe they ever intended to move at the pace they have been moving in the last year. But Trump forced their hand. To them

, he was the worst thing that could happen at the worst possible time. He was incontrollable, and a huge threat to unmask many decades of treason and subversion among thousands of the NWO’s key political pawns. He had to be expelled ASAP by any means necessary. In hind sight, it seems obvious they accelerated their timeline and took unplanned risks to eject him from DC. Now they must step back for a bit, and work the propaganda process in an attempt to put out some fires that are raging where the truth has come out about their plans. They only have to succeed once with their plan for world domination

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, so patience pays off tremendously for them. We, on the other hand, must win at every turn just to keep things from getting much worse on the road back to serfdom. This is the asymmetry I mention above. The only way to exit this vicious cycle is to extinguish the power of the instigators themselves. This will be a hard lesson for rank and file Americans to learn, especially since the impulse of many after this week will be to relax, and pat themselves on the back.

Now, the NWO faces it’s greatest dilemma. Can they get enough toothpaste back in the tube before the midterms to allow themselves to manipulate key results and retain political leverage in Congress? The NWO does not want to risk allowing control of one or both houses of Congress to slip away while conservative sentiment is on the rise nationally.

For my part

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, I would like to thank Donald J. Trump for his role in forcing the globalist’s hands. They made a giant mess out of their hasty efforts to expel him, we all watched them commit treason doing it, and we are all wiser for having witnessed this, and the consequences.

But we are no where near done. We are not really yet getting started. Here is hoping that real patriots know this, and keep ratcheting up the pressure on corruption wherever we find it.

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By LC SecondMouse

Find me on twitter at @DiscardedVirtue Retired CEO. Constitutional conservative. Mortal enemy of moral hazard, ignorance and collectivism. Traveler on the Inner Journey, Zen Buddhist, Taoist. Walker of The Way. Teacher and Student.

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