Gavin Newsom on L.A. Rail Theft: ‘We Look Like a Third-world Country’

LOS ANGELES, California — Governor Gavin Newsom professed shock and outrage as he visited the site of mass looting of cargo trains in L.A. on Thursday, helping clean up debris and touting his recent plan to help law enforcement fight theft.
“I’m asking myself

, what the h^^l is going on? We look like a third-world country

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,” Newsom said, before apologizing for using the word “gangs” to describe the attacks on the trains>

, stressing that he did not mean the word in a “pejorative” way.

photo by Maciej Dakowicz

fair use from public posting

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By Terrapod

Born in small country in S. America, U.S. citizen since '85, EE, Marketing, Sales, Shade Tree Mechanic, collector of things interesting including good friends from all walks, especially those that partake single malts.

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