The right to protest removed under threat of arrest, massive fines and imprisonment.

Curfews. Yes, CURFEWS, where adult CITIZENS are told be inside or be arrested.

Right to travel limited to 5km or be arrested and fined.

Allowed one hour of exercise per day…convicted prisoners get 90 minutes.

Closed borders.

Requiring a permit to go to work “papers please”.


Close any premises

Direct people and groups to enter

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, not enter, remain at or leave any premises. The authorised officers must give a period of time, of under four hours, for the direction to be complied with

Enter any premises without a warrant to search and seize “any thing that is necessary for the purpose of investigating, eliminating or reducing the risk to public health”. The officers can only use this power if they “reasonably” believe there may be an immediate risk to public health

Require “any information” needed.

Require people to provide their name and address, inspect any premises, require the cleaning or disinfection of any premises “where the risk to public health may arise”, require the destruction or disposal “of any thing”
Direct any other person to take any other action the authorised officer considers necessary

I am sure that the police go home at night, comforted by those immortal words

“Befehl ist Befehl”

We were a free nation once. No more. I wish with all my heart at this time I was an American.

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By LCBren

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