Good morning from my Hunker-Bunker overlooking the Puget Sound from the West side of West Seattle. It is 0730 and I haven’t even bothered to look outside yet. All the blinds are pulled, the curtains closed. ICE could be roaming the streets like some dystopian sci-fi movie with alien robot things from DOOM.

I will post one last thing tomorrow, then on Friday I will wipe everything here clean and post a YouTube video from a channel that will update either daily or weekly. I haven’t decided the frequency yet. I will leave the comments open, and may even check them from time-to-time.

Hurry, before I make an omelette

Only Boomers will understand this reference


Stupid Human Tricks

My butcher shop looks almost like this

I get my meats from The Live Butcher which is about two miles up the street from my Hunker-Bunker.

Only in Texas, I guess…

Facts (as the kids say these days)

MY THOUGHTS: There are some people in our current government who appear to be low-level freaking out over the idea that we aren’t reproducing like we should be. More specifically, WHITE people aren’t reproducing at a sustainable level, and there are less of us being born. They are also complaining because the brown people ARE reproducing here in this country, which would sooner or later outnumber the whites.

Before you pound your table or desk, re-read that first sentence. I said some people. I’m talking the likes of Steven Miller, Trump’s Deputy Chief of Staff and architect of Trump’s most controversial positions, such as doing away with the birthright provisions clearly spelled out in the Fourteenth Amendment of the US Constitution and over one and a half centuries of caselaw and ‘original intent’. SOME. While Trump is the giant orange face you see, the actual man behind the curtain is Steven Miller.

Personally, I think there are about 200 million too many people in this country right now. In fact, I think we could REALLY make America ‘great again’ by dropping it back to around a million or so.

Same for the rest of the globe. We’re due for a major event that could wipe out all but a fraction of the humans on earth.

But not before we send all the billionaires to whatever planets they are heading towards. Good riddance.

Seems about right…

That would be my father…

This makes me laugh like a hyena


This does not surprise me at all. A lot of these ‘illegals’ are working hard and paying taxes. They form roughly the same opinions as other legal co-workers. If they could have voted, they would have voted for Trump this time around. After all, they thought that Trump wasn’t talking about deporting them, because they were keeping their heads down and blending in. They weren’t the ‘gang members’ and ‘criminals’ raping and killing innocent women as Trump was describing.

I know a few of these “illegals”. Some of them are pieces of shit and should be rounded up and hauled off. You will get no real argument from me about their fate. But the vast majority of them are skilled workers, who work hard, pay taxes, contribute to society, and have pretty much assimilated. They tend to be more conservative, Catholic, and have a great desire to get ahead in life and raise a large family.

It’s that last part that has the Steven Millers in our government upset…

Do you think this guy felt betrayed?

I have no doubt that he would have voted for Trump if he could have. He’s a true believer.

But consider this for a moment: There’s no evidence by this photo that the guy isn’t an American.

Do YOU carry a passport or proof of citizenship everywhere YOU go?


“Where are zee papers?”

They rounded him up under suspicion of being illegal. They will haul his ass to a central holding facility until he can prove he is an American. But tick-tock, it looks like they might have a few hours to try and prove it. They appear to be shipping them out quickly.

I wonder how many mistakes they are making…

Why should it matter to me?

Or you? Because it could someday be you, or I.

A Blast from My Past

I grew up in East Bellevue, on Lake Sammamish, which is about fifteen miles from Seattle, across Lake Washington. It’s not far at all, but as a kid, it was like “going to the big city”, far, far away. Every Sunday, we’d jump in the 1957 DeSoto and head to Church in the University District of Seattle, where we’d get dropped off for Sunday school in the basement while the parents went off to … well it wasn’t church, since they were Jewish.

After Sunday school, Dad would take us to the St Vincent de Paul “Thrift Store” at Lake Union in Seattle. To call it a “store” would be a stretch of the imagination, because it was a sprawling conglomeration of sheds, shacks, stalls, pits, and corridors. Things sorted out and if you needed furniture, there were sheds full of furniture. If you needed clothing, there were sheds corridors, stalls full of clothing. Housewares, building materials, tools, hardware, tires, car parts, boats, cars, hydroplanes, plane parts, military surplus, — and MY favorite, tube radios, amplifiers, phonographs, Western Union facsimile machines, switching equipment, — you name it.

I started rebuilding tube radios and amplifiers when I was around twelve. I was a radio nerd. Licensed and all. I would pick up the old wood vernier radio/phono sets similar to what is above and restore them. Every time we’d go there, I’d pick up at least one or two of them. Those that I couldn’t repair, became parts for others that I could. My Dad had a friend in Bellevue who would buy them for his shop, and I’d make about $20 profit off of a $5 investment. Not bad.

He who controls the narrative controls history.

This is one of my biggest beefs on fictional movies


Right now I am dealing with some liver issues. I don’t know if you’ve ever had a liver biopsy, but it is excruciatingly painful This is why I call “BULLSHIT!!” with prejudice and conviction whenever I see a movie character get stabbed in the liver and/or gut and still fight on and on and on. There is no fucking way. The pain feels like it could rip it even worse if you as much as move.

Oh, and lately I’ve been having pains from the statin I take. Woah.

I’m sure there is a deeper meaning behind this meme, but I am at a loss…

Patriots Wanted: Step Right Up!


Have you been by a Home Despot lately? I go to Home Despot on an almost daily basis — I’ll be going there after I finish this to pick up an area rug for the studio. There is NOBODY there. Now I’m afraid to park my car there, because I always knew that was the safest spot in the lot.

But look at this as the canary in the coal mine. We are starting to come out of Winter, and there is some work starting up for the next growing season and ranching season in this state. A lot of skilled migrants get jobs in agriculture. If they are rounded up or decide to ‘self-deport’, then who is going to do that work? YOU?

Where is your salad and vegetables coming from? Who is going to pack the meat to get it to you? “The Great Replacement” has begun, and guess what, YOU ARE NOW IT!

We are going to need you to report to your closest Patriot Party Headquarters and get your field assignments for the next eight months depending on your region. We may need to transport you to another region to provide labor there. After all, some idiot decided to get rid of the original people who gladly did this job for next to nothing while we stressed out about all the criminals and rapists that Mexico was sending us…

LOL It is to laugh.

I am reminded about that 2004 “comedy” called A Day Without A Mexican1.

  1. ↩︎

This one is probably my favorite today


Oh yeah…

I like to keep it short and general


“Yeah, crazy, right?”


“Cool, just checkin'”

/and scene.

MY THOUGHTS: Ya gotta be careful of your YouTube feed. Or whatever ‘feed’ you frequent. THIS is what is replacing cable news. This is why Jim Acosta had to leave CNN.

NEWS FLASH: CNN could no longer afford to pay Acosta. Sure he was getting great numbers relative to the daily as a whole, but when you consider that the audience didn’t just jump ship with CNN, they’ve pretty much left the tethered cable universe altogether in favor of the digital realm. There are podcasts with a larger audience than you will see on most if not all the cable news networks combined. People can now tune in to watch or listen to a podcast that tells them what they want to hear, and get on with their lives. While they are sitting on the toilet (which is the time I’m the most productive — answering emails, returning calls, taking care of business…)

Cable news will eventually become the equivalent of what AM is to FM. UHV to VHF…

There. That’s better.


Donald Trump is a very vain, “thin-skinned” man. The bombastic bunghole has no problem verbally abusing anyone or anything that makes him look bad. He cannot stand being considered ‘morbidly obese’.

During the 2016 campaign, someone mentioned that he may be too ‘unhealthy’ to run for president because he was obviously ‘morbidly obese’. His height and weight were obvious. He is about 6’1″ in his bare feet and I guarantee he weighs 290-310 lbs.

He managed to get the doctor to fudge on his weight and height in order to conceivably come in just under the ‘obese’ classification. To do that even somewhat convincingly, he needed to be at least 6’3″ The problem is that if he stands next to someone who is actually 6’3″ then he would appear obviously much shorter.

So he wears lifts and high heals. He is literally standing on the balls of his feet, which gives him a lean. But if that isn’t enough, he also has to wear a bullet proof vest which adds a bit more weight to the front which gives him almost the same lean Michael Jackson had…

All because of vanity. Embrace the fat. Celebrate the bald. He’s almost 80, he’s got maybe a few thousand days left — at best. Remember, ten years is only 3,650 days Sounds a lot shorter when you break it down into days, doesn’t it? There is only 8,760 hours in a year, and if you have gotten this far on the page you’ve just spent ten minutes of them.

The point is, let it all hang out. Wasn’t that our generation’s mantra once?

Right up there with “Don’t trust anyone older than thirty”.

OKAY, THAT’S IT FOR TODAY. I have a crapload of Honey Do crap to get done today and I have some wall patching to do in my new podcast studio.

So yeah, we are getting close to shutting down the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler and saying goodbye to 25 years of back and forth. It’s a bittersweet end without all the originals. But you can only keep it going for so long when nobody is around to give a crap one way or the other.

I will have a LOT more to say tomorrow, but I want to leave today with the following:

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By I'm THAT Guy

"Well, ya gotta have someone to yell at"

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